Name:Katherine Age:?? Race:vampire neko Bio:I ran across - TopicsExpress


Name:Katherine Age:?? Race:vampire neko Bio:I ran across the garden laughing as my brother was chasing me, I stopped by the fountain to catch some breath. Someone hugged me from behind then covered my eyes, of course I knew who it is »Fine Dan, you caught me!« but when I heard the person laugh I instantly knew I was wrong »John?« I asked as my best friend turned me around and gave me hug. I only knew him for few months now, but we get along very well. Few seconds later Dan came »Got ya!« I frowned then sticked my tongue at him before glaring at John. In the evening I was sitting next to my brother, laughing and chatting with my sister across the table. My mother was knitting, the door opened and my father walked in, he asked me to bring our dog inside. I nodded and went out side, but I did not find him, so I went searching for him holding a lamp in one hand. I finally found him in the forest only to hear loud screams from my house. I ran back and saw father\s dead body lying on the floor outside of the house, I screamed running inside seeing my siblings dead, I turned my head scared and saw my dead mother on the floor I hugged the body, tears running down my face. Suddenly someone touched my arm, I turned around scared only to see John covered in blood. I started to back away from him »You…« he walked closer to me and I bumped into the wall »Katherine…« He pointed to the kitchen doors and then I noticed two staked bodies on the floor I looked at him »What are you?« I didn\t got an answer, thought. Just before he could say anything an arrow hit me and I fell on the floor. Everything went dark. Next morning I opened my eyes. I was in a bed, my dress was covered in blood, I looked around to see John sitting in the corner, he noticed I woke up and walked closer. I moved on the bed as far from him as possible, he sighed »I understand you don\t trust me, but you have to know the story« I nodded and he continued »So I\m a vampire, we need blood to survive and we are super fast, and all like you know from stories. But the garlic doesn\t affect us. We can\t walk on sun, that why we use a special stone as rings, and that. A special spell has to be put on it to work, of course. Well some of use drink animal blood and some feed on humans like you saw. If you wouldn\t go outside, you probably wouldn\t be here.« I nodded »Thanks, for saving me, I guess. But the arrow…« he sighed again »I\m so sorry Kat, I had to do it, you lost a lot of blood…« my eyes started to water as I understood what he told me and I started crying, but I wasn\t sad »Why am I crying?« he hugged me »Your emotions are heighten right now« I got up and walked to the kitchen suddenly I felt like laughing »Why am I laughing? I\m dead! My family…« laughter changed to anger and suddenly I grabbed a chair and throw it into the wall »I\m gonna… I\m gonna.. kill them« First murder I have been a vampire for a month now, I got used to being different. John gave me a ring so I could walk on sun. I even had to go on my family\s funeral. Boring. Anyway, I was in the woods and I saw someone, John teached me how to control myself which wasn\t fun at all. I hated myself for wanting human blood, but then again what are we for than to kill humans, sometimes crossed my mind. But then I thought of my family and didn\t want that to happen to someone. Something was weird, I smelled blood. I turned my head only to see that man stabbing a young girl I instantly attacked and killed him, the girl was already dead. »Katherine!« John yelled from behind I frowned »he killed her, he deserved it« but I felt bad about it later and started digging a hole to burry the body. I was crying »I-I killed him, he he was a murder but he had a family…a home… he he deserves to be burried« in next years I killed many people and I didn\t feel the pain anymore. 1800 We just finished our late night snack, an adorable middle aged couple, when we heard footsteps behind us coming closer. Who ever was coming wasn\t trying to be quiet. At all. I turned around and my first thought was it was just a human wandering around, but then it turned out it was a vampire, well three vampires. Without saying anything the vampire jumped on me holding a stake, trying to kill me. The other two attacked John, thinking he will be harder to kill. I eventually killed the guy and looked toward John, one of the attackers noticed his friend died and John used the moment of his distraction to rip out his heart, but as he wasn\t careful the other vampire stabbed him and disappeared in the night. John fell on the floor, tears were running down my face as he quietly said »I\m sorry« before passing away. I whipped away the tears and stood up determined to kill that man. Starter: *katherine was sitting in a chair staring at the wall wondering what to do before looking outside at everyone playing and having fun thinking they wont treat her right if they found out she was a neko but a vampire neko sighing she got up and went outside being unseen as she walked to a park that no one goes to* //ask to join leave bio and pic)
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:24:05 +0000

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