Name : Mardani wahyusaputra ( Class : 1/B Prodi : Teknik - TopicsExpress


Name : Mardani wahyusaputra ( Class : 1/B Prodi : Teknik Informatika Email : daniel13saputra@gmail 1. What is the information superhighways ? 2. Please state the advantages of information superhighways ? 3. Please state the disadvantages of information superhighways ? 4. What do you know about e-learning as future educational system ? Answer : 1. The information superhighway is a term coined by Vice President Albert Gore when giving a speech January 11,1994 describing the future of computers accessing and communicating over a world-wide network. Later during a CNN interview, Gore stated During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. This statement helped spark the belief that Al Gore invented the Internet. The McGraw-Hill Computer Desktop Encyclopedia defines the term as a proposed high-speed communications system that was touted by the Clinton/Gore administration to enhance education in America in the 21st Century. Its purpose was to help all citizens regardless of their income level. The Internet was originally cited as a model for this superhighway; however, with the explosion of the World Wide Web, the Internet became the information superhighway (464). The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) defines the term as a route or network for the high-speed transfer of information; esp. (a) a proposed national fiber-optic network in the United States; (b) the Internet. The OED also cites usage of this term in three periodicals: • the January 3, 1983 issue of Newsweek: ...information superhighways being built of fiber-optic cable will link Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, D. C. in a 776-mile system on the East Coast. In 1972-1974 a prototype of INFOSTRADA was built in Poland. Later it was translated to Information Superhighway in the U.S. and stated in an interview of Al Gore in WIRED, December 1995, p. 218. The INFOSTRADA project is described in a book by Andrew (Andrzej) Targowski, Informatyka, Modele Systemow i Rozwoju (Informatics, Models of Systems and Developments), Warsaw, Poland: PWE, 1980, pp. 197-198. • the December 19, 1991 issue of the Christian Science Monitor: Senator Gore calls NREN the information superhighway—a catalyst for what he hopes will become one day a national fiber-optic network. • the October 26, 1993 issue of the New York Times: One of the technologies Vice President Al Gore is pushing is the information superhighway, which will link everyone at home or office to everything else—movies and television shows, shopping services, electronic mail and huge collections of data. The working paper No. 179, 1994, of the Center for Coordination Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology describes the concept as follows: The information superhighway directly connects millions of people, each both a consumer of information and a potential provider. Most predictions about commercial opportunities on the information superhighway focus on the provision of information products, such as video on demand, and on new sales outlets for physical products, as with home shopping. The information superhighway brings together millions of individuals who could exchange information with one another. Any conception of a traditional market for making beneficial exchanges, such as an agricultural market or trading pit, or any system where individuals respond to posted prices on a computer screen is woefully inadequate for the extremely large number of often complex trades that will be required. 2. Advantages of Getting on the Information Superhighway A computer that is connected to the Internet allows you to turn your home, community center, local library, or school into a place of unlimited information and communication. The Internet can help your family: • Find educational resources, including up-to-the minute news, copies of important documents and photos, and collections of research information on topics ranging from weather conditions to population statistics. • Get help with homework through online encyclopedias and other reference materials and access to experts. • Increase reading skills by providing access to interesting materials and suggestions for additional reading. • Improve technology and information skills necessary to find and use information, solve problems, communicate with others, and meet a growing demand for these skills in the workplace. • Connect with places around the world to exchange mail with electronic pen pals and learn about other cultures and traditions. • Locate parenting information and swap ideas with other families. • Learn and have fun together by sharing interesting and enjoyable experiences. 3. Disadvantages of Getting on the Information Superhighway Difficulty in Attracting Customers Small business may not have the resources to pay for paid directory inclusion, pay per click inclusions and often have to rely solely on search engine optimisation or word of mouth to drive traffic to their sites. With millions of businesses selling the same product and services, competing with more established businesses can be frustrating and costly venture for small business. On the other hand, larger companies can offer promotions, pay for directory inclusions, implement pay per click campaigns as well as employ the who is who in internet marketing to develop campaigns that generate traffic and leads. Difficulty in Evaluating Legitimacy of Transaction Another notable disadvantage of doing promoting businesses online is that it may be difficult for the businesspersons and consumers to thoroughly evaluate the legitimacy of a transaction. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to thieves using stolen credit cards and stolen information to do online transaction. With Internet credit card and identity fraud on the rise, small businesses are forced to finance costly security measures to reduce their vulnerability to fraudulent transactions. Salespersons and Customers are Isolated Another disadvantage of promotion via the Internet is that the customers and businesspersons are isolated. There is little personal contact between customer and salesperson prior to and after the sales is closed. Thus, the prospect for repeat sales may thus be diminished. Entrepreneurs are therefore compelled to adopt marketing strategies to drive online users back to their site. From all indications, it appears that the advantages of Internet promotion, far exceed the disadvantages. With adequate knowledge, entrepreneur can benefit significantly from Internet promotion, especially small business owners. More and more, the growth and outreach of the Internets, its ease and accessibility for customers is becoming inevitable. Small business would therefore be well advised to start their web advertising function in order to improve their competitiveness online. 4 Distance learning. E-Learning allows learners to gain knowledge without having to physically attend classes. Learners can be in Semarang, while the instructor and the lessons that followed was somewhere else, in another city and even in other countries. The interaction can be run on-line and real-time or off-line or archieved. I think is good, because with as it will make learning more appropriate because if the teachers could not attend so it can pass e-learning.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:07:53 +0000

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