Name: Maria Bernaus (Ber-noaw) Age: 18 Race: Human - TopicsExpress


Name: Maria Bernaus (Ber-noaw) Age: 18 Race: Human *Cursed* Appearance: Dark, dark black hair. medium height of a model like figure with a slim build. Frame is slim as well; nothing is butchy or masculine about her. Slender shoulders and average weight too for an 18 year old girl. Pyromancy?: A pyromancy of sorts (The darker, uncontrollable kind) Class (e.g. Hunter, knight, warrior, paladin, ect...) (No assassins): Sorceress (Originally royalty. See backstory) WoC: Her uncontrollable power of fire and lightning. Bio(optional): Raised in the small keep of Saerihold, Maria was destined as an heir to the jaarl Bailmeth, a wise and loving king for his small town. The actual hold contained around 700 working citizens and militia, and was a thriving village known for their great fisheries. All that changed though, when for her 18th celebration, Marias true intentions became known. Her parents kept a very tender secret of a curse placed when she was born, and how her destiny was to become a destructive monster when she was 18. In fear of their small fortune and kingdom, and desperate to not watch their daughter be hanged for sorcery, they locked her away in the Holds dungeons, keeping her in the dark. There was no contact with the outside world and for the first 13 years she never saw daylight. Until a guard, pitied by her existence, let her out. After the disbelief of the above world, filled with sun and light and blossoms, her parents kept a tight lid for another 5 years. She desperately needed to be free. Her power of pyromancy however grew into something stronger; it scared her parents. The people of the village asked for news of their daughter yet still things were hidden. Until her 18th birthday. Enraged that her parents would continue to chain her up like a dog, she unleashed such a destructive and unbent force of fire that she burnt the castle to the ground. The people in the village, conditioned to see magic as a tool of unbalanced evil, fought back to kill her. Distraught at her monster-like attributes, she escaped the burning village and walked for weeks. Weeks and weeks over green hills and fields and valleys and forests until the landscape turned dark and ugly. Steam rose from cracks and distant mountains rumbled. In the isolated world of bursting fire and trapped heat, so she formed her own home to live. Convinced that she was evil, she began to actively pursue her powers so that anyone, man or beast or heavenly host, would leave her alone for eternity.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 13:02:25 +0000

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