Nameless White Ladies .. a reason to add friends and family to our - TopicsExpress


Nameless White Ladies .. a reason to add friends and family to our group .. There is nothing more frustrating for a Paranormal Investigator than the simple claim of a haunting by a ‘White Lady’. Within the pages of my book ‘In and around Haunted Nuneaton’ I would have loved to have given space to the following pieces, but with no knowledge of identity they remain still needing work .. this is where I hope you and yours can help. The following are details given to me over time of possible ghostly sightings, what I need is your knowledge and guidance as to whether you know anything more than what is set here (such as a possible name, a date, an accident that occurred etc etc). If you do then please I’d love to hear from you, a jigsaw is of no use without all of the pieces .. 1. Between Nuneaton Road, at the top of Collycroft, Bedworth and Marston Hall Farm there is a phenomena recalled by numerous folk of a White Lady who walks alongside a white horse. At various points on Marston Lane she has been seen, and at varying times throughout the more ‘shaded’ parts of the day. I ask if she has risen into Ghostlore due to the fact of the Graveyard situated along the road there, but I’m guided that she is more connected to the Canal as she is more commonly viewed down by the bridge. Can you help ?? 2. Stephenson Road, a small offshoot from Bayton Road, Exhall, takes you under the Railway line and onto an old ‘Public Way’ which quickly heads off in the now pointless direction of the Coventry Canal (as there is no longer a crossing point). This particular ‘White Lady’ is noted, mostly by dog walkers, upon the many pathways that criss-cross the farmland that stretches from this point on the Canal, out over through Sweet Laud’s Wood, up alongside the sewage works and into Bulkington at Leyland Road. Who was she, how far back does this tale go ?? The 3rd ‘White Lady’ belongs to Bedworth lane, a notoriously fast straight which sits between Astley Lane and Woodlands Lane, Bedworth. Confusion reigns supreme on this case, as I’m unsure as to whether she was a frail old dear who got out from the care home and came to harm in a car accident? Or, Whether, as some would have it, she is a distraught, almost wild-like mother destined to find her lost sibling? Or has she connections with the derelict house that sits back in the woods a little there, a few hundred yards away? Maybe even, as the Newdigate Pit, that once had its own Ghostly tale (flatcap) is not too far away .. could she also have a connection? What do you know ?? 4. Lastly in the cases of ‘White Ladies’ for this time, I‘m looking for anyone else that has seen the young girl, dressed all in white, who shyly watches diners at the Griff House Beef Eater? A wisp of a child, ‘Victorian’ in description (although peoples take on Victorian attire does vary), she is thought aged around 10-12. Can anyone verify this ?? Does anyone work there. ? Please, if you can add any detail to these claims I would love to hear from you .. or if you have had an ‘experience’ of your own ? White Ladies have names and its our job to put this right :-)
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 14:42:19 +0000

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