Nancy Pelosi has launched a discharge petition to force a vote on - TopicsExpress


Nancy Pelosi has launched a discharge petition to force a vote on H.R. 15, the Houses Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill. H.R. 15 would double legal immigration and force a blanket amnesty for illegal aliens. If Pelosis discharge petition passes, it seems dangerously likely that a blanket amnesty and a big jump in regular immigration will become law. The bad news is that the discharge petition needs 218 signatures, and it already has 177. The good news is that few Republicans seem willing to defect and sign the petition, so were very optimistic we can stop this petition. But we need to really show these politicians that we are still engaged in this battle. How about we crush this petition right now? In order to send a powerful message, we need to flood their offices with fax messages. We appreciate that we can count on you to send a fax if your Representative is one of those we need to target. But we need your help to get more people to send faxes. Senator Arlen Specter (Business Fax) Senator Arlen Specter@+1 (202) 228-1229 Senator Barbara Boxer (Business Fax) Senator Barbara Boxer@+1 (415) 956-6701 Senator Barbara Mikulski (Business Fax) Senator Barbara Mikulski@+1 (202) 224-8858 Senator Ben Nelson (Business Fax) Senator Ben Nelson@+1 (202) 228-0012 Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (Business Fax) Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell@+1 (202) 228-4609 Senator Bill Frist (Business Fax) Senator Bill Frist@+1 (202) 228-1264 Senator Bill Nelson (Business Fax) Senator Bill Nelson@+1 (202) 228-2183 Senator Blanche Lincoln (Business Fax) Senator Blanche Lincoln@+1 (202) 228-1371 Senator Bob Graham (Business Fax) Senator Bob Graham@+1 (202) 224-2237 Senator Byron Dorgan (Business Fax) Senator Byron Dorgan@+1 (202) 224-1193 Senator Carl Levin (Business Fax) Senator Carl Levin@+1 (202) 224-1388 Senator Charles Grassley (Business Fax) Senator Charles Grassley@+1 (202) 224-6020 Senator Charles Schumer (Business Fax) Senator Charles Schumer@+1 (202) 228-3027 Senator Christopher Bond (Business Fax) Senator Christopher Bond@+1 (202) 224-8149 Senator Christopher Dodd (Business Fax) Senator Christopher Dodd@+1 (202) 224-2823 Senator Chuck Hagel (Business Fax) Senator Chuck Hagel@+1 (202) 224-5213 Senator Conrad Burns (Business Fax) Senator Conrad Burns@+1 (202) 224-8594 Senator Craig Thomas (Business Fax) Senator Craig Thomas@+1 (202) 224-1724 Senator Daniel Akaka (Business Fax) Senator Daniel Akaka@+1 (202) 224-2126 Senator Daniel Inouye (Business Fax) Senator Daniel Inouye@+1 (202) 224-6747 Senator Debbie Stabenow (Business Fax) Senator Debbie Stabenow@+1 (202) 228-0325 Senator Dianne Feinstein (Business Fax) Senator Dianne Feinstein@+1 (202) 228-3954 Senator Don Nickles (Business Fax) Senator Don Nickles@+1 (202) 224-6008 Senator Edward Kennedy (Business Fax) Senator Edward Kennedy@+1 (202) 224-2417 Senator Elizabeth Dole (Business Fax) Senator Elizabeth Dole@+1 (202) 224-1100 Senator Ernest Hollings (Business Fax) Senator Ernest Hollings@+1 (202) 224-4293 Senator Evan Bayh (Business Fax) Senator Evan Bayh@+1 (202) 228-1377 Senator Frank Lautenberg (Business Fax) Senator Frank Lautenberg@+1 (202) 228-4054 Senator George Allen (Business Fax) Senator George Allen@+1 (202) 224-5432 Senator George Voinovich (Business Fax) Senator George Voinovich@+1 (202) 228-1382 Senator Gordon Smith (Business Fax) Senator Gordon Smith@+1 (202) 228-3997 Senator Harry Reid (Business Fax) Senator Harry Reid@+1 (202) 224-7327 Senator Herbert Kohl (Business Fax) Senator Herbert Kohl@+1 (202) 224-9787 Senator Jack Reed (Business Fax) Senator Jack Reed@+1 (202) 224-4680 Senator James Inhofe (Business Fax) Senator James Inhofe@+1 (202) 228-0380 Senator James Jeffords (Business Fax) Senator James Jeffords@+1 (202) 228-0776 Senator Jeff Bingaman (Business Fax) Senator Jeff Bingaman@+1 (202) 224-2852 Senator Jeff Sessions (Business Fax) Senator Jeff Sessions@+1 (202) 224-3149 Senator Jim Bunning (Business Fax) Senator Jim Bunning@+1 (202) 228-1373 Senator Jim Talent (Business Fax) Senator Jim Talent@+1 (202) 228-1518 Senator John Breaux (Business Fax) Senator John Breaux@+1 (202) 228-2577 Senator John Cornyn (Business Fax) Senator John Cornyn@+1 (202) 228-2856 Senator John Edwards (Business Fax) Senator John Edwards@+1 (202) 228-1374 Senator John Ensign (Business Fax) Senator John Ensign@+1 (202) 228-2193 Senator John Kerry (Business Fax) Senator John Kerry@+1 (202) 224-8525 Senator John McCain (Business Fax) Senator John McCain@+1 (202) 228-2862 Senator John Rockefeller IV (Business Fax) Senator John Rockefeller IV@+1 (202) 224-7665 Senator John Sununu (Business Fax) Senator John Sununu@+1 (202) 228-4131 Senator John Warner (Business Fax) Senator John Warner@+1 (202) 224-6295 Senator Jon Corzine (Business Fax) Senator Jon Corzine@+1 (202) 228-2197 Senator Jon Kyl (Business Fax) Senator Jon Kyl@+1 (202) 224-2207 Senator Joseph Biden Jr. (Business Fax) Senator Joseph Biden Jr.@+1 (202) 224-0139 Senator Joseph Lieberman (Business Fax) Senator Joseph Lieberman@+1 (202) 224-9750 Senator Judd Gregg (Business Fax) Senator Judd Gregg@+1 (202) 224-4952 Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (Business Fax) Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison@+1 (202) 224-0776 Senator Kent Conrad (Business Fax) Senator Kent Conrad@+1 (202) 224-7776 Senator Lamar Alexander (Business Fax) Senator Lamar Alexander@+1 (202) 228-3398 Senator Larry Craig (Business Fax) Senator Larry Craig@+1 (202) 228-1067 Senator Lincoln Chafee (Business Fax) Senator Lincoln Chafee@+1 (202) 228-2853 Senator Lindsey Graham (Business Fax) Senator Lindsey Graham@+1 (202) 224-3808 Senator Lisa Murkowski (Business Fax) Senator Lisa Murkowski@+1 (202) 224-5301 Senator Maria Cantwell (Business Fax) Senator Maria Cantwell@+1 (202) 228-0514 Senator Mark Dayton (Business Fax) Senator Mark Dayton@+1 (202) 228-2186 Senator Mark Pryor (Business Fax) Senator Mark Pryor@+1 (202) 228-0908 Senator Mary Landrieu (Business Fax) Senator Mary Landrieu@+1 (202) 224-9735 Senator Max Baucus (Business Fax) Senator Max Baucus@+1 (202) 224-4700 Senator Michael Enzi (Business Fax) Senator Michael Enzi@+1 (202) 228-0359 Senator Mike Crapo (Business Fax) Senator Mike Crapo@+1 (202) 228-1375 Senator Mike DeWine (Business Fax) Senator Mike DeWine@+1 (202) 224-6519 Senator Mitch McConnell (Business Fax) Senator Mitch McConnell@+1 (202) 224-2499 Senator Norm Coleman (Business Fax) Senator Norm Coleman@+1 (202) 224-1152 Senator Olympia Snowe (Business Fax) Senator Olympia Snowe@+1 (202) 224-1946 Senator Orrin Hatch (Business Fax) Senator Orrin Hatch@+1 (202) 224-6331 Senator Pat Roberts (Business Fax) Senator Pat Roberts@+1 (202) 224-4774 Senator Patrick Leahy (Business Fax) Senator Patrick Leahy@+1 (202) 224-3479 Senator Patty Murray (Business Fax) Senator Patty Murray@+1 (202) 224-0238 Senator Paul Sarbanes (Business Fax) Senator Paul Sarbanes@+1 (202) 224-1651 Senator Pete Domenici (Business Fax) Senator Pete Domenici@+1 (202) 228-0900 Senator Peter Fitzgerald (Business Fax) Senator Peter Fitzgerald@+1 (202) 228-1372 Senator Richard Durbin (Business Fax) Senator Richard Durbin@+1 (202) 228-0400 Senator Richard Lugar (Business Fax) Senator Richard Lugar@+1 (202) 228-0360 Senator Richard Shelby (Business Fax) Senator Richard Shelby@+1 (202) 224-3416 Senator Rick Santorum (Business Fax) Senator Rick Santorum@+1 (202) 228-0604 Senator Robert Bennett (Business Fax) Senator Robert Bennett@+1 (202) 228-1168 Senator Robert Byrd (Business Fax) Senator Robert Byrd@+1 (202) 228-0002 Senator Ron Wyden (Business Fax) Senator Ron Wyden@+1 (202) 228-2717 Senator Russ Feingold (Business Fax) Senator Russ Feingold@+1 (202) 224-2725 Senator Sam Brownback (Business Fax) Senator Sam Brownback@+1 (202) 228-1265 Senator Saxby Chambliss (Business Fax) Senator Saxby Chambliss@+1 (202) 224-0103 Senator Susan Collins (Business Fax) Senator Susan Collins@+1 (202) 224-2693 Senator Ted Stevens (Business Fax) Senator Ted Stevens@+1 (202) 224-2354 Senator Thad Cochran (Business Fax) Senator Thad Cochran@+1 (202) 224-9450 Senator Thomas Carper (Business Fax) Senator Thomas Carper@+1 (202) 228-2190 Senator Thomas Daschle (Business Fax) Senator Thomas Daschle@+1 (202) 224-6603 Senator Tim Johnson (Business Fax) Senator Tim Johnson@+1 (202) 228-5765 Senator Tom Harkin (Business Fax) Senator Tom Harkin@+1 (202) 224-9369 Senator Trent Lott (Business Fax) Senator Trent Lott@+1 (202) 224-2262 Senator Wayne Allard (Business Fax) Senator Wayne Allard@+1 (202) 224-6471 Senator Zell Miller (Business Fax) Senator Zell Miller@+1 (202) 228-2090
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 11:11:05 +0000

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