Nancy West Yesterday at 9:33am · Here are the reasons Dennis - TopicsExpress


Nancy West Yesterday at 9:33am · Here are the reasons Dennis Michael Lynch is running as an independent.Take a moment to read folks! Today, I checked to see how many volunteers have signed up on my website to date. The number is closing in on 2,600. That said, Im sure I lost some last week when I said I didnt want to be part of the Republican Party. Some of you asked me to rethink the decision. Your requests -- coupled with not liking the idea of being pushed around by a congressman -- led me to step back and conduct further analysis. Over the past week I have looked at every angle and uncovered every rock. I spoke to campaign professionals, volunteers, family, politicians, pundits and consultants. I read reports, looked at charts and listened to liberal and conservative commentary. I completed the most extensive research I have ever conducted. I finished it all by watching the debates from 1992 and then every speech Ive given over the past two years. I come away 110% confident my gut did not fail me last week. In short, the GOP will never allow me, or anyone like me, to win the Republican nomination. They have taken steps to shorten the debate stage, eliminate more outsider competition, and ensure funding goes to the people they want running in 2016. And so there are 3 things to share with you... 1) I recognize some of you cannot support me as an Independent. Thats a shame. If you decide to come back, my door is always open. 2) I need volunteers to help spread my message. Humbly, I ask you to continue to do what you have been doing. Share my videos, websites and films. Share my name on social media and try to get me placed on polls. 3) If a strong Republican candidate emerges I will support them. But if Jeb Bush or Chris Christie appear to be the nominee then without question I will move from the exploratory phase into the Independent candidate phase FOR AS LONG AS my volunteer base has grown. You have my word that from here forward I will publish the amount of volunteers we sign up each week. As for tomorrow, I will continue with my day job and pump out videos, films and speeches at a much faster pace. At the same time, I continue to explore the opportunities for running as an Independent. Here are the two clips that cemented my decision:
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 16:21:57 +0000

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