Naomi began life very well like every other young woman. She got - TopicsExpress


Naomi began life very well like every other young woman. She got married and had children to seal up everything. She was comfortably happy with her family as she was even expecting to be a grand mother because her sons were happily married to great women as well.All was well with Naomi until calamity struck her, a kind of calamity that is severe enough to change somebody’s status negatively. A once happy wife, mother and an expectant grand mother became a single woman, not a single lady who can still marry again, not a single mother, but a single old woman without any fruit to show that she was once married, oh! What a change of tide!However, this God that I serve, the Ancient of days, the One who knows the end even before the beginning began, the One who knows and owns tomorrow knew what will befall Naomi, hence, He decided to connect Naomi with Ruth from the beginning.It is worthy to note that after Naomi had lost everything, her two daughters-in-law were still ready to follow her, this was so because Naomi was a good mother in law to them but for the fact that you are a good person does not mean people will not leave you even when you needed them most, but there are some people God had already pin down somewhere to be there for you when all is lost, people who will help you get back all your lost glory, people who will be there for you come rain come sunshine, people who will tell you they will be your legs to help you stand tall, they will be your eyes to help you look and see better days, people who may not even be your biological relatives but they will be far better than biological relatives, people who know how to show empathy not sympathy. That was the case between Naomi and Ruth. God used Ruth to restore life to Naomi, God used Ruth to nourish Naomi’s old age, God used Ruth to wipe away the tears on Naomi’s face that even the whole community recognised that Ruth was better than 7 sons to Naomi.Today, I pray that God will connect us, I mean you and I to that Ruth that will be a huge blessing to our lives, that Ruth that will help us forget our pains of yesterday, that Ruth that will make life easier for us, that Ruth that will help us laugh and dance again in Jesus name!You too, decide to be a Ruth to somebody out there and God will bless you.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:17:45 +0000

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