Naples 15 will build on the culinary tradition of the Monzu, - TopicsExpress


Naples 15 will build on the culinary tradition of the Monzu, combination of professional chef and artist. In 1768 Ferdinando IV of Bourbon, King of Naples, married Maria Carolina, who imposed the French style of culinary cuisine on chefs in Naples. Monzu is a Neapolitan corruption of the French monsieur, and is an honorific title bestowed on a small number of master chefs in Southern Italy, Naples, and Sicily because of the way they adapted the dictates of elegant French cuisine to the Neapolitan ingredients and palate. This was at a time when the city of Naples was the capital of the Kingdom of the two Sicilys. The first monzu, who appeared in Naples at the Court of King Ferdinand, was a certain Joseph Lazzaro, said Peppino, called mosiu to replace Antonia Bertutin, the Queens personal Cook from 1772. The royal family and big bourgeoisie sent their great cooks to France to learn the science and art that was French cuisine. As a result a new category of flavors was introduced to the kingdom of Naples; the Monzu at that time in history would be compared to the great professions of today such as doctors, lawyers, and architects. Because of their unique style, to this day the Neapolitans use the term Monzu to refer to a great chef. How the magnificent Sartu of rice was born?...From the historical French Neapolitan chef it became one of the most elegant Neapolitan traditional cuisine. By Paolo Lettieri ....The Sur tout (French word that literally means: above all) or Sartuas traditionally in Naples is called, is a typical dish of Neapolitan cuisine. The exact date of his first construction dates back to the 18th century, particularly important for the capital of the Kingdom of Naples, who was at that time an exceptional moment of well-being. This beatitude due, firstly, to the particular socio-economic reforms carried out by the Bourbons-Charles of Bourbon had just taken the Throne from the hands of the Austrians, and settled with his family in the Royal Palace-allowed the city to grow demographically and economically to become the third most important city in Europe after Paris and London. We immediately, from this first, sketched reconstruction, were talking about an era particularly excited for the subjects of the Kingdom just formed. In that period, she was elected the capital of the Kingdom of the two Sicilies, becoming one of the most important political and economic centers of the world. The new conformation of the city gave rise to riots intensified by copious influx of many noble families, of Spanish origin, French native, and towards the historical centre of the city and adjacent to the Royal Palace. These places once frequented mostly by lazzaroni, beggars, poor people, merchants and street vendors, were opened to a new reality and its sequel. Social differences, created between van der Merwe, squares and central markets, became even more pronounced. The poorest subjects not having great economic possibilities, lived mostly of hardship and, respecting their traditions, became market-goers and street vendors, who are available for them, warm dishes needed for their survival. The nobles from conquerors instead, forts of their great resources, soon began to introduce their customs, including food consumed in their lavish kitchens. These wealthy foreigners, all unwary, thought just everything, transforming old buildings into new princely houses, giving life to art, reinventing the Neapolitan Baroque up to promote fashion throughout the world. all this mixing skilfully the classic artistic and architectural culture in Naples (who founds his roots in an enviable fabric) with artistic innovations of the moment. In such a context, however you wish to observe the forms, proved difficult for various walks of life does not meet and therefore do not share their customs. The first to not be able to resist the lure of the people was the monarch of the time. Charles succeeded his father, King Ferdinand I of the two Sicilies was soon a particular fondness to the Neapolitan folk customs. Its particular attraction to the forms, which could take the fanciful, albeit spiantata, vulgar culture napoletana, has been increasing, and many scholars of the time, the desire to read up on that fact. The King, realizing that that wasnt a Neapolitan, abandoned her Palace often prefer the road, where he could learn more about those crazy costumes and maybe would could taste those dishes tasty, freshly prepared, with just a few ingredients and quick maneuvers and for sale on stalls, contrasting strongly with the Customs to which he was especially devoted. This attitude soon earned him the nickname: Re Lazzarone. The monarch, in fact, to move even more undisturbed to the city befriended several groups: Lazzaroni (the Lazzaroni were young people of Naples class of XVII-XIX century. Idlers often fit to make any craft that showed up occasionally, not disdaining them sometimes to make some minor theft or deception and, more often than not, begging), maturing at the same time the habit of dressing up with a less sophisticated clothes to blend into the crowd and move undisturbed among the old markets. All the fuss was accompanied by the prominence of two dishes unique in their kind, whose taste and organoleptic properties are now recognized worldwide: pasta and pizza. Vendors with big copper stove for pizzas and maccheronari with their pots of steaming conquered Macaroni and cheese in a short time the city and the palate of thousands of patrons. Among these curious visitors were hiding, as well as his Majesty, some, but soon became many others, members of the Neapolitan high society. These, in addition to taste the pasta, in whose home country barely had heard
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 00:51:40 +0000

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