Narendra Modi looks like any other corrupt politician unless he - TopicsExpress


Narendra Modi looks like any other corrupt politician unless he explains .. 1) the sources of money he has received for the BJP campaign. Some broad estimate is Rs 400 crore for his ad campaign 700 crore for rallies helicopter etc+ controversial statue money. It looks like black money. Why? black money = where we do not know who gave that money. AAP has declared its list of donors on their website. 2). How much money they are spending on each of the media like Times Channel, TOI, NDTV, CNN etc... 3) How much money he has received from Adani & Ambani etc.. It is okay for him to receive money. Not okay to hide it. When kejriwal flew in charter plane he told that India Today sponsored it. Likewise Modi should say. If this is not known we presume that it is received in cash. That precisely makes a person corrupt! Problem is, it does not stop there. Lets say he received it from Mr.X, y z (we know who they are?)company. Now they will expect him to favour him by giving government lands, licences, policies, govt contracts ... thousand ways ... Modi can clear his conscience by saying “after all it is for the growth of economy. Let me bend this rule a bit so that it helps me build growth… after all it helps people! I am not taking this money personally” hmmm.. Really? How much of becoming PM is platonic and how much of it is personal? I can give that benifit of Doubt only to Mother Teresa. ENRON, Bearings Bank etc ….got bankrupt due to such bending of rules. Transparency is key to democracy.. Sorry that is not the kind of governance and growth we need. We need growth but within democratic framework. Not in Hitler style. It needs to benefit poor too.. It will lead to weakening of the democratic institution. We want growth but in a acceptable democratic and transparent way.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 02:35:33 +0000

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