Naropas Trulkhor Following the link below you will find a rare - TopicsExpress


Naropas Trulkhor Following the link below you will find a rare and special footage of one of the most famous Tibetan Yogas of Movement known as Trulkhor (phrul khor/ khrul khor) in Tibetan and Yantra in Sanskrit. Based on various original texts by Marpa most Kagyüd traditions follow a later practice commentary for the actual practice. This text is called The All-Illuminating Mirror, the Oral Instructions of the Illusory Movements for Training the Body in Order to Progress in the Practice of the Fierce Lady (gtum mo) from Among the Six Yogas of Naropa (nA ro chos drug las gtum moi bogs don lus sbyong phrul khor gyi zhal khrid kun gsal me long). There are several introductory Trulkhor which are: 1. The illusory movement for purifying the stains of the vital eneregies /rlung skyon sel bai phrul khor), 2. The Nine Purification Breathing for Expelling the stale vital energies (rlung ro dgu phrugs bud pa), 3. The five branch trulkhor for cleansing the subtle channels (rtsa khrus yan lag lnga sbyong), 4. The (introductory) cycle of the six trulkhor of Naropa (nA ro drug skor), 5. The (visualizations and the) thirty-seven trulkhor according to Karma Pakshi, (the Second Karmapa) (karma pakshii so bdun). Chenga Rinpoche shows the series 2.-5. starting at time 2:17 min. Finally the series of Illusory Movements concludes with some so-called bebs. In Tibetan Yoga or Trulkor there are controlled jumps and falls (bebs) for opening the bodys subtle channels (rtsa) so that vital energies (rlung) move coordinated and harmoniously through the subtle channels in order to promote higher states of awareness. Those don here are an impressive demonstration by Chenga Rinpoche (spyan snga rin po che) from the Drikung Kaggyü (bri kung bka brgyud) tradition. These Trulkhor (phrul khor) or Yantras are found in the Tibetan text of the Oral Tradition of Cakrasambhava or Demchog (bde mchog snyan rgyud kyi rtsa rlung khrul khor gyi skor). https://youtube/watch?v=WJ_CQLaSsG8&list=PL1hb1q3x5tOaqW0qog1vWmmd992yj4zOrlist%3DPL1hb1q3x5tOaqW0qog1vWmmd992yj4zOr
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 03:39:39 +0000

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