Narrated by Umar bin Al-Khattab : Some Sabi (i.e. war prisoners, - TopicsExpress


Narrated by Umar bin Al-Khattab : Some Sabi (i.e. war prisoners, children and woman only) were brought before the Prophet and behold, a woman amongst them was milking her breasts to feed and whenever she found a child amongst the captives, she took it over her chest and nursed it (she had lost her child but later she found him) the Prophet said to us, Do you think that this woman can throw her child in the fire? We replied, No, if she has the power not to throw it (in the fire). The Prophet then said, Allah is more merciful to His slaves than this woman to her child.[Sahih Bukhari - Book 73, Hadith 28] Today I have been reflecting on the name of Allah which says Hes the most Merciful. I came to the conclusion that in my heart I know He is and He will never neglect His creation. The God I truly believe in, love and worship is the one of forgivness, mercy and love, the one that will forgive and love his creation endlessly and will overlook past made mistakes and the ones to come. As it is the intention of the soul that preceds every action therefore even the notion of sin itself and the whole act of sinning is accompanied by Gods mercy, as it gives one the chance to repent and seek forgiveness and only leads to bettering oneself and I do not know of anyone - in person - who commits a sin with the actual intention to do so. This is shown just by looking at every beginning of a Surah (apart from one) which states that Allah is the most Merciful and most Compassionate/Gracious/Beneficent and various hadiths talking about Gods mercy and love including the one stated above which I find so powerful. I usually dont put statuses up like these but like I said Ive been reflecting on the names Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim (The Merciful, The Compassionate) and I cant help but feeling that exactly these attributes, which are so essential, are the ones missing most within our communities and our relationships with each other. I wish that everyone, especially born muslims would be welcomed and embraced (back) into the community the way converts are being welcomed and embraced - and similarily all people from other faiths who experience similar things. And I wish that we can show each other just as much compassion and mercy, love and forgiveness we wish to receive from our brothers and sisters.. but most importantly I wish we can bring this towards all our brothers and sisters, regardless of what their faith (or no faith) may be! It happens so often that people lose their way and lose hope but find it even more difficult to find their way back - not because they think its impossible or that God will not forgive them but out of fear of people pointing fingers and judging them. Sometimes all you need and want is a helping hand, an non-judgmental smile, a warm hug, a Its ok bro/sis, dont worry about anything, we got you! Our actions do not define us, our flaws and mistakes do not define us, our sins do not define us. Everything has its place in this life and universe and happens for a reason and it is so often that by sinning and doing wrong against yourself or other that we manage to to correct what is wrong within ourselves and learn to truly repent and ask for forgiveness - from God, others and ourselves. None of us is free from sin and none of us can claim to be righteous and sometimes just knowing that and really understaning our flawed - or shall I say human - nature, is enough to humble ourselves and stop acting/being hypocritical and accepting everyone for who they are, as this is what I believe God does.. and He is the ultimate Judge of not only our sins, but our character, our intentions, our entire souls - and knowing someone truly and wholly it is hard to pick out the bad things/attributes amongst all the beauty and good within each one of us. We need more love, more unity, more sweetness and beauty in our lives and we have the power to give these things to each other and I hope that we can turn to each other in times of need and hopelessness.Teach beauty and of Gods mercy - He is so much more and so much bigger than anything we can imagine. Ramadan Kareem and may God bless you all.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 13:34:08 +0000

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