Narrated by anwar alawalski After the story of sayedna HUD. Then - TopicsExpress


Narrated by anwar alawalski After the story of sayedna HUD. Then come sayedna salah. At that time the nonbelievers of place called thamood made strong houses not any ordinary house there were carved from solid rock made frim mountain where no win ciuld beak it or torando thinking there secured from the punishment of ALLAH swt because of that that the had built. A human being should never feel save as long as hes living in face of this earth. So sayedna salah came down and told them the same message the other prophets presched that theres no god BUT ALLAH and make istighfar. So the ppl of thamood said u want to forbid us to worship what our forefathers used to worship. Its a big disease tht the people do not want to give up what there fathers used to worship. See the difference between the ppl of japan now and the ppl of Japan hundreds if years ago Us that everything changed now there more technologys peopl are smarte. The way ppl think changed the cultur changed. Ppl life style changed. Standard if living. The way of ppl think speak an behave all changed. U got profits in math professor in physics and expert in economics. Experts in medicine. They have learned a lot. Big difference in everything but RELIGION. So this phd guy works in labs dealing with numbers. And goes home at night having no problem worshiping idols and cows. When it comes to religion shaytan is telling them dont changed. They say we found our father following different religion we have to follow them. This is the disease shaytan us telling then go and invest in something else and exel its ok do whatever u want its not ginna do anything in the akhera. The ppl of thanood accused sayedna saleh of magic and they told him if what it saying is true then show us a sign. So the were givin the option to choose the sign they want to see and they were the only nation witch they has the opportunity to choose. So they choose a miracle. The told sayedna salah see this rock over here we want you to produce for us a living camel. So sayedna salah asked ALLAH swt do that and ALLAH swt granted that miracle. ALLAH swt can make a dead thing a living thing. It doesnt make a difference to ALLAH swt he can make living thing from rock or anything he wants just like how he created us from dirt. so when the camel was crrated there was an agreement that tht water over there u drink a day from it and the camel drinks a day from and uncanny harm the camel. So later in nine leaders of thanood said we want to kill the camel and only one had the courage to kill it so then they went to sayedna salah and him if ur really the messenger of ALLAH swt then we challenge young here the threat u were talking about were waiting to see whats going to happen to us. They said u told us this camel was sacred and protected by ALLAH swt we killed it show us the punishment. Sayedna salah told them I have three days to enjoy urselves and then ur not going to live anymore. Softer four days ALLAH swt destroyed those ppl with sound wave. A awfull cry. Its a sound wave it can go through anything so it went through there rock hard homes and destroyed them and there homes. So now nothing remains and its just a deserted place because they disbelieved. So the ppl of thamood planned where no one could here then. But ALLAH swt heres them. So ALLAH swt planned but they cant hear him. And ALLAH swt is the best if planners. So if only nine planned this was all of thamood destroyed. Because they new about this corruption and did nothing to stop it. Peoole thought they were safe in their homes nothing to do with the act theres nothing in between its eightee your with ALLAH swt or with shaytan. That is how the masses of people are. If u take any nation say the united sated for example who are the decision makes in America presidents the national security council. A few influential men in congress. A few big CEOs of big corporation in America. A few heads of major banks. A few of the string Jewish lobyiest. Then the few of the professors in major universities . Then two thee four hundred ppl. Then the rest of the ppl are between the isles and the malls and grocery stores sitting in the benches watching games or in there couches eating drinking and sleeping. They eat and drink like Kattle and hell fire is there final aboat. The masses of the people thats what they do. This re the people melaa. Those are the ppl who reject the message of nooh and those who rejected the message of HUD and now its those who rejected the message of salah. Melaa at the chiefs and leaders. The rest of the people are after dunia. But they are not secure. U can not stay in the middle. U wanna with hiseb alrahman or hiseb alshaytan. So when thes nine men planned evil evil and nobody in the society stopped them then everybody was included in the punishmen. So now theres a conflict between Islam and Kufar. The minority of the believers are skittle and the minority of the Kufar are little and rest are in the middle doing nothing. So sayedna salah and his followers were saved. Now the bones of the ppl of thamood are in Musiums just like farooh . And mohammad pbuh said do not go there and see unless u want this to be a lesson for u. The symbol of hakk sayedna mosa and the symbol of evil was faroun. The body of faroun was left behind for a reason. So we would learn the message. So we can see a physical representation in from of us of how ALLAH swt destroyed the nonbeleivers. So we read it in uran and we see it as an example.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 02:52:44 +0000

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