Narrative posting of yesterday’s Weebly blog- Carpe - TopicsExpress


Narrative posting of yesterday’s Weebly blog- Carpe Diem! I’ve shared on more than one occasion that I don’t always get it right. I find it really frustrating when I repeatedly make the same mistake over and over. Over the past couple or three weeks, I’ve shared a number of mishaps or near misses I encountered when I opted to walk outside in the early morning hours under the cloak of darkness. You’d think someone with at least an average level of intelligence would have the ability to figure out if you can’t see where you’re going, don’t go. My cousin Shirley responded (tongue in cheek) to one of my posts and said something closely akin to, “I’m worried about you. I’m beginning to think you do need some level of structured supervision.” She also suggested I get a flash light. I get it. I really do. One takes a risk when they walk in the dark. Without the ability to see where you are going, you could easily walk into a rock wall. Did I mention that could really hurt? Yesterday morning I took my briefcase out to the car, picked up my travel mug for coffee from inside the car and hurried back toward the house. Truthfully, I’ve never walked into a wall head first before, but I banged my head against the rock wall lining the space between the garage door and the standard exterior door. Ouch, Ouch, Ouch were the three words that came out of my mouth as I grabbed my head with my hands. Did I mention I dropped my coffee mug? I didn’t articulate the words, but the phrase, “You know better than that” ran through my mind. I guess there is a level of truth to the observation the General (aka – my wife) has made, she say’s I’m hard headed. Apparently I am. I was a little concerned that I arrived at work looking like I’d been in a fight and lost, but apart from a little dried blood on my forehead that looked worse than it really was, I was good to go. Actually, I am glad the General is out of town. She would still be reminding me that “I know better than that.” Maybe it is time to put a motion light on the outside of the house. Isn’t it true, if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten? Over the last month, I’ve resolved to turn on the outside light before walking in the darkness at least half a dozen times. Who knows why that it so difficult for me to remember? Actually, I can hear the General asking that very question, “Why is that so difficult for you to remember?” The General stayed in North Carolina to assist the kids in getting ready for their move. Consequently, I am home alone. I’ve also thought of my cousin Shirley’s (tongue in cheek) expressed concern that maybe I need structured supervision. Before the General left, she organized a list of things I needed to handle in her absence. For example, the invoice for the yard work would be forthcoming. She addressed an envelope to return payment, applied postage and put it on the dining room table. I received the invoice via email yesterday. Don’t say I’m not on top of my game. I printed the invoice this morning, wrote out a check to the landscape folks, folded the invoice and inserted it with the check into the envelope. I sealed the envelope and laid it back down on the table. This morning I packed my car, made my coffee, fed the dog, locked the doors, turned off the lights and headed for San Antonio. As I was backing out of the driveway, I remembered that yesterday when I drove to work I didn’t have my sunglasses. Consequently, I pulled back into the driveway and went to look in my truck for my sunglasses. I had driven the truck to Home Depot on Sunday. They weren’t in my truck. So where were they? I went back into the house and looked everywhere. Suffice to say, I don’t have a clue where my sunglasses are located. If they are permanently lost, the General will probably remind me “that I know better than that.” Last January when we traveled to North Carolina, I left my prescription sunglasses in the rental car in Raleigh, N.C. They were never recovered. Because of eye-related issues, I postponed replacing the sunglasses until a couple of months ago. Now those sunglasses are on my list of things to find. I finally gave up the search and went back to the car. I then remembered the envelope containing the invoice with the check for the lawn work. I went back in the house. It was not on the dining table where I initially placed it. I remembered picking it up, but where did I put it? That is the $64,000 question. For all I know, I may have laid the envelope next to my sunglasses, but I doubt it. Maybe my perception of my cousin’s (tongue in cheek) remark about my needing structured supervision wasn’t meant to be interpreted tongue in cheek. I’m in San Antonio at a Child Care Administrator’s Conference. I attended two different two hour workshops this afternoon related to ethics. I am a licensed master social worker and the State licensing board requires three hours of ethics training annually in order to maintain your license. I don’t know if there is empirical evidence that suggests social workers need ethics training annually, but until they change the rules, I’m keeping my license current. During one of the sessions there was discussion related to “the tired brain” and the risks associated to being depleted. Stress is an everyday experience, but sometimes compassion fatigue, information overload, and a myriad of other issues can deplete one’s ability to really be on top of their game. When your brain is tired, you really cannot process information as quickly as when you are refreshed and fully alert. I had an aha moment thinking about brain fatigue. It doesn’t provide an excuse for butting my head into the rock wall yesterday morning, but during the course of the remainder of yesterday, I became aware of a host of overwhelming stress factors that a number of my close friends are experiencing. I remember thinking last night that I felt depleted. Perhaps my brain was tired. Tomorrow is a new day. I anticipate I will awaken with a spring in my step and a smile on my face. Who knows, tomorrow evening when I return home I may even find the lost envelope and my sunglasses. You can rest assured, if the General inquires, I have my answer. My brain was tired. All My Best! Don carpediem-lifeblog.Weebly
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 09:33:35 +0000

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