Nasa accused of cutting live ISS feed as UFOs hover in sight: - TopicsExpress


Nasa accused of cutting live ISS feed as UFOs hover in sight: Conspiracy theorists claim space agency is hiding alien life. Conspiracy theorists have accused Nasa of cutting its live feed from the International Space Station whenever a UFO appears. On two separate occasions this month, alien hunters claim to have spotted mysterious objects appearing on their screens before it goes blank. UFO watcher Toby Lundh recently spotted a UFO outside the space station, moments before the stream was interrupted for 10 to 15 seconds. Mr Lundh told Disclose.TVthat there are always some UFOs showing up, and Nasa always cuts the feed when a UFO gets close to the station. The alien hunter claims to have captured a still photo of the unidentified object from the feed- and it looks remarkably like the Starfleet insignia in Star Trek. He also says that Nasa has removed the recording from its archives as part of efforts to conceal alleged communication between astronauts and UFOs In a separate incident last week, a grey object was seen coming up over the horizon and then disappearing moments before Nasa switched to a different camera. In 1948, the US government launched several inquiries into UFO sightings, which many believed were sparked by Cold War paranoia. In what became known as Project Blue Book, more than 12,000 encounters with UFOs were looked into by the Air Force. Now, decades after the files were closed, the microfilms have been made available online for free – allowing anyone to re-examine the evidence. The USAF says that the Blue Book included 12,618 sightings reports, with 701 of which remained unidentified – or around 5.5 per cent of the files. The files, which can be accessed here, were previously only available by visiting the National Archives in Washington. Professor Andrew Balogh from the Imperial College London Department of Physics tells MailOnline: Generally speaking UFO sightings are either explained by some artefact effect - even some space junk - or left unexplained as there is not enough evidence. Its difficult to judge from the video in this instance, because of its poor quality. If Nasa has access to high quality images, they may investigate further. Nasa is yet to comment the incidents. The space agencys ISS live stream and rover photos have become a huge source of evidence for conspiracy theorists. Many scientists believe UFO sightings such as this are down to a psychological phenomenon called pareidolia. This describes the brains response to seeing significant objects in random places. The vast majority of these images are as vague and elusive as those posted by UFO witnesses on Earth, and many have a fairly mundane explanation, Nigel Watson author of the UFO investigations Manual told MailOnline. The problem is that the more Nasa denies such things or explains them the more people think there is a conspiracy to hide the truth that aliens are visiting our planet. .
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 07:00:47 +0000

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