Nashvillian Reports. CHATTANOOGA-NASHVILLE Fri. Jan 17, 2014. - TopicsExpress


Nashvillian Reports. CHATTANOOGA-NASHVILLE Fri. Jan 17, 2014. Unity and Outreach Sought by Crim U.S. Senate on Campaign Trail. The Democratic candidate for United States Senate Larry Crim has been in Chattanooga this week continuing on the campaign trail speaking before the Greater Chattanooga Democratic Womens Club at the IBEW in Chattanooga on Tuesday evening. Larry Crim spoke on people issues like protecting social security, veterans benefits, creating jobs by infrastructure repair, and removing foreign investment tax exemptions which currently exempts many major billionaire corporations from taxation. On Wednesday and Thursday Crim continued his outreach efforts in the city and met with Field Reps and Youth Leaders for the Crim campaign in Chattanooga. Previously Larry Crim was keynote speaker at the JFK Club at The Chattanoogan Hotel. SIGNS OF GROWING SUPPORT FOR CRIM (D) U.S. SENATE The Counseling Executive and Democratic Candidate for U.S. Senate Larry Crim has been campaigning across Tennessee, including Chattanooga and other areas of East Tennessee, since filing his federal papers for U.S. Senate in January 2013. The signs of support for Crim in the Chattanooga area are evident in the growing responsiveness of the audiences hearing his message of unity, their identification with Crims proposed programs benefiting ALL Tennesseans, his easy relationship with rank and file Democrats and leaders at the county party level, affiliated youth groups and pastors, and the frequently visible Crim Democrat U.S. Senate signs dotting the business and residential landscape in the Rock City region. GRASS ROOTS OUTREACH IS THE CRIM FOR U.S. SENATE STYLE Mr. Crim and his Team Crim volunteers have been all across Tennessee at events where Mr. Crim has shook the hands of thousands of voters placing the Crim U.S. Senate campaign way ahead of any possible candidate for U.S. Senate, Democrat or Republican, in the grass roots old-style of campaigning. Demeaning remarks from political talking heads to the contrary, a grass roots campaign like Crim for U.S. Senate is conducting may not be the only element needed but outreach to thousands of Tennesseans on a one to one basis is an absolutely essential component to any potential comeback for the Democratic Party in Tennessee and for any candidate, Democrat or Republican, to beat Lamar Alexander. Larry Crim is doing grass roots and shows no signs of stopping but only expanding and stepping up this effort to reach out to all Tennesseans on a personal one to one basis. Even those who say the race against Alexander is unwinable readily admit: Crim is everywhere. Therefore, if they are wrong and the race IS winable, then Crim is doing exactly what he can and is supposed to be doing in order to win it. For ALL Tennesseans is his campaign theme. He is reaching out to Tennesseans seeking to be their voice in Washington. Its hard to argue with that approach. UNITY AND OUTREACH VS. INWARD BACKWARD THINKING There are Democrats interested in unity, like Crim, which involves outreach, accessibility and inclusion. And then there are The Inwards, the isolationists, the exclusive club mentality promoters and elite wannabees, who dont want to grow. Theyre for the status quo. Insider Democrats wanting to hold onto the status quo of their positions of leadership and keep a big slice of a miniature pie probably see Crims outreach to bring in more people as potentially a threat to their position of importance. Never mind that their position is in a party organization at the state level which has become so small and divided that it is virtually irrelevant to Tennesseans. Insider Democrats at the State Level in Tennessee want to hold onto what little they have even if it is to be in charge of almost nothing. At least theyre in charge. Consequently, statewide outreach efforts by Crim to bring in more people to the process, including actions to encourage and support more candidacies on an equitable and not selective basis are seen by the Inwards Democrats as of little benefit to them. A small club mentality is their mindset. BUT AN ACCESSIBLE CANDIDATE BENEFITS TENNESSEANS The key point, however, is that the efforts of candidates for U.S. Senate like Larry Crim, who are accessible and reaching out to people, are of great benefit to all Tennesseans. It gives them access to a candidate who has heard their concerns directly and an opportunity to have their priorities represented or as Mr. Crim says to have their voice to be heard in Washington for a change. Tennesseans are demanding a candidate who is not disconnected like Lamar. Translate - A candidate making a connection with them - one of the Crim U.S. Senate battle themes which he follows through on with outreach to all Tennesseans. Tennesseans are tired of disconnected, elitist politicians from either party coming from on high to pronounce what or whom they have in store for them this time around. Tennesseans want to make that choice. LARRY CRIM A QUALIFIED CANDIDATE: STANDS UP FOR FELLOW TENNESSEANS QUESTIONS HERRONS UNAUTHORIZED ACTS Tennesseans want someone from the people, who has taken it upon themselves to meet with the people to seek their support, not an obscure choice made in a back room by an unauthorized process with a party chair to make their choice for them. Recently, Crim, on behalf of the thousands of Democrats and Tennesseans supporting his candidacy, objected to the unauthorized actions by TNDP Chair Roy Herron in his recent endorsement of little known Terry Adams, an action which violates the trust of a party official to remain neutral during the primary. Larry Crim is a professionally qualified administrator and mental health organization executive with a Master of Public Administration and M.A. Major Psychology with a Psychological Practicum at Vanderbilt InterUniversity Psychological and Counseling Center, who is CEO of Christian Counseling Centers of America, Inc. The Counseling Executive and U.S. Senate candidate said Herron is showing signs of deception or incompetence after Herron made some obviously incredulous and internally inconsistent statements: Herron said I did not know Mr. Crim was still in the race even though Herron has been out on the campaign trail with Crim for U.S. Senate campaign at scores of democratic party events across Tennessee for over a year now. Herrons next faltering claim is his statement of support for Adams was not a statement of support. THE ALPHABET SOUP CANDIDACY An alphabet soup strategy candidacy (Adams name starts with an A in hopes of top of ballot positioning) announced with deception and incompetence from a party chair in the forefront amounts to perpetrating a falsehood on democratic voters and Tennesseans. Herrons alphabet choice for top ballot/top billing said Herron is supporting him and that hes raised $25,000. If so, the Knoxville part time lawyer and self-employed candidate did not file federal financial reports showing such funds raised. Herrons Alphabet soup choice has not been on the campaign trail meeting and greeting voters at the county level. CRIM U.S. SENATE MULTI-YEAR GRASS ROOTS CANDIDACY Larry Crim for U.S. Senate has actively campaigned in 75 counties already in a period of over one year since filing federal papers in Washington in January 2013. Crim also focused on a couple of huge counties during 2012. While there is more to be done to unseat Alexander one cannot underestimate the necessity or impact from Mr. Crim and his growing grass roots entourage of Team Crim vols traveling on a perpetual whirlwind tour of county festivals, football games, chamber, political party and social events over the last year literally shaking the hands of thousands of Tennesseans on a weekly basis. (The Chattanoogan reports: Crim U.S. Senate Making the Rounds of County Fairs) chattanoogan/2013/9/19/259481/U.S.-Senate-Candidate-Crim-Making-The.aspx HERRONS REPRESENTATIONS BELIED BY FACTS: Herron has shared the same stages at Democratic events with Crim including a Hamilton County Democratic Party event covered by The Chattanooga Times newspaper timesfreepress/news/2013/aug/12/herron-gives-local-democrats-pep-talk/ The Times asked Crim about the task hes taken on to run against Lamar Alexander, a 50 year career politician. Crim said it is one county at a time, one voter at a time. Crim is running a grass roots campaign to make a connection in a Tennessee direction. He and his Team Crim vols have covered 75 counties thus far. HERRON: INCOMPETENCE AT BEST/DECEPTION AT WORST Crim U.S. Senate Campaign aide Bob New of Murfreesboro said: Since Mr. Crim filed his announcement of candidacy in January 2013 I have been on the campaign trail with Larry Crim for U.S. Senate and his growing Team Crim volunteers shaking hands with thousands of Tennesseeans and speaking at Democratic events where Herron also shared the stage. Crim and Herron both spoke and attended the Tennessee Federation of Democratic Womens annual meeting here in Murfreesboro last year, the Young Democrats Annual Convention in Nashville, the Hamilton County Democratic Party annual event at IBEW *, the Cumberland County Democratic Partys Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner, the Henry County Democratic Partys dinner in West Tennessee, and a host of other events across Tennessee said Bob New with enthusiasm. If I was Roy Herron, who is paid as party chairman to recognize who is running for this important office of U.S. Senate in his own party, seen his signs Crim Democrat U.S. Senate and his Team Crim entourage with campaign stickers and been on the same stage as Larry Crim where hes speaking as a U.S. Senate candidate and didnt know Larry Crim was a U.S. Senate candidate in my own party I wouldnt want to admit it concluded Bob New. LARRY CRIM (D) U.S. SENATE SEEKS UNITY Larry Crim told supporters in Chattanooga: It is my hope that those calling themselves democratic leaders will have the presence of mind and unity of spirit to recognize the importance of this endeavor, as my fellow Tennesseans and voters in Tennessee have done, and take it upon themselves to know what were running for and who we seek to represent here in Tennessee. CRIM IS SUPPORTING CHATTANOOGA CANDIDATES PARTY OFFICIALS AND DEMOCRATIC WOMENS GROUPS The Democratic Candidate for U.S. Senate also met with candidates from Chattanooga who are putting themselves on the line to represent the citizens of Chattanooga and Tennessee by making the sacrifice to run for positions of public service. The Democratic Party and Labor Officials with whom Ive met are encouraging, motivating and supporting their efforts as do I said Crim who added hell be back to Chattanooga to work together with them in reaching out to serve the interests of all Tennesseans. For further information on the public policy positions and qualifications of Larry Crim for U.S. senate readers may visit his campaign website at: LarryCrimUSSenate/ To see Mr. Crim on the campaign trail across Tennessee readers may check out the photos and discussions on facebook at: facebook/Larry.Crim Larry Crim OR Larry Crim for U.S. Senate - For ALL Tennesseans Reference terms: Democrats United For Tennessee Tennessee Federation of Democratic Women of East Tennessee Roy Herron Tennessee Democratic Party For other political news stories follow: The Nashvillian The Nashvillian (c) 2014 The Nashvillian, Inc.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 14:13:46 +0000

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