Natalie asked... My son was born at 28 weeks, 5 days on July - TopicsExpress


Natalie asked... My son was born at 28 weeks, 5 days on July 30th, 2014 and was in the NICU for 65 days. Overall, he had a great course and was essentially a grower and feeder. His only (and still a remaining issue), is reflux. Anyways, I was hoping to post a question to all the NICU parents out there. My 28 weeker, now 3 months adjusted, is having a hard time feeding. Upon discharge, his feeding improved and was eating very well but then after a month being home, he started to get fussy while feeding and occasionally vomited (not projectile). We were told by both his neonatologist and pediatrician its due to his reflux. After using all conservative methods (raised bassinet, keeping baby raised after feeds, less amounts more often, etc.) he was prescribed renitidine to help keep the acid down. I also cut out dairy, caffeine, most fruits and anything spicy or citrusy from my diet. Things started to improve and began eating well again. Now hes back to screaming while eating. He wont even eat a little bit and is sending us mixed cuing signals. My husband, an internal medicine resident, says thay hes most likely gotten used to the renitidine and its no longer effective. He is also very gassy and we are unsure if its the reflux or gas thats causing him to be fussy. He also eats brrastmilk and formula to top up as I only produce approximately 400 milliliters a day. We see his pediatrician tomorrow, but I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this with their preemie and what you did to solve the problem. He is otherwise a very happy baby, he sleeps very well, hes meeting his developmental milestones and smiles all the time. As you can imagine, its so hard seeing your baby struggle with feeding. Thank you!!! Any insight is greatly appreciated!
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 02:00:00 +0000

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