Nation, We all know that someone out there is having a worse - TopicsExpress


Nation, We all know that someone out there is having a worse day than you are. I had a pretty horrible one today, but pales in comparison to a friend of mine I have known for a while, and that friend needs help. This friend is in a bad situation right now. Trying to go back to school, she is forced to rely upon an undependable and resistant ex. They are parents to a wonderful daughter that has special needs, one that the father seems to only want to provide money, and only the court-ordered minimum, no extra to help on incidentals. This mother, also being the father in her life, also has other children and she juggles all of this with good cheer and little income, along with a recently overhauled van that was very much appreciated and needed to get her and the kids to school. That is, until recently. With funds cut off from the deadbeat parent, this mother was forced to get together what funds she had to continue insurance on the family transportation. Ironically, while doing so, the insurance lapsed at the worst time ever...then, an uninsured driver of a vehicle twice the weight of the van was cited for failure to yield, improper turning and improper lane usage slammed into the van, roughing up the kids and the mom. They went to the hospital, are ok, but without the renovated van. It was insult to injury, because she was on the road with an uninsured vehicle at that time. Pouring salt into the wound, she now has no van, no license and hence, no job and now may have to withdraw from school, leaving her dream of a better paying job in jeopardy. The situation for the home is grave. Yet she smiles so her kids wont see the agony she is in, with no way to get out. She admits she was wrong, but consider this: She has done EVERYTHING to help herself get to a better situation with personal sacrifice in that she has been going to school, raising 3 kids on her own with the father not doing his role, and in my opinion, not stepping up and being a real man. In my opinion, had the father done his responsibility properly, she would not have been in that situation at all because the insurance on the van would have been paid so she could take her girls to volleyball practice and try to have a normal life, even though their father chooses not to be there. Medicals are still in limbo. This is a dire situation, one that I do not have the resources myself to take care of, but one resource I do have, I hope to bring to bear: You. This friend needs a lawyer in Anderson, Indiana that can help her with a hardship case to at least start for her to get her license to get another vehicle. Another van is probably the more feasible vehicle, but without enough funds for reliable transportation, the selection would be limited to a woman that cannot get a job without transportation, and that, legal transportation. She told me honestly...I am more worried about getting a car and my licence so I can take care of my girls. My injuries are not that bad. I appeal to you, The Nasty Nation, for help. If you are or know of an Anderson or Madison County practicing attorney that would take a pro bono case to get this woman back some of her driving privileges, I would be very grateful beyond words for your generosity. If possible, I would also personally like to see if she could be helped to have her ex be inspired to step up from being in arrears even though it may not be enough for a judge to hunt him down while he neglects his offspring in favor of spending time with his attention-deficient-appearing present-dau wife. I know, I paint a dire picture of her situation, but it is the truth. The ex? Well, he is behind and hasnt seen his developmentally-challenged child nor has shown any intent at all to see her, so you decide. Forward this message as many times as necessary to get her back to being on the road legally. Message me or leave a voice message on my phone. I have referred her for a job, but she will need transportation first, so the license starts this all off. Further, I hope someone out there can help find her a van or a car that is of the $8000.00 neighborhood willing to sell it for the $2000.00 she got from her wreck, that would be even more awesome and amazing. I hope one is out there, as she cant do the car payment route until the job is secured, after the transportation is replaced, after the license is restored. Its a domino effect here...and sadly, this is a true story. She doesnt need ridicule, she has beat up herself with guilt on this. But the fact is the car that hit her had passengers that were handcuffed and taken into custody for mysterious reasons. She was wrong and admitted it, but can we help limit the impact as a permanent one, one that will affect her kids immediately? Nation, I beg of you, please help our friend. She needs our collective resources to pull her out of this pit of despair and get her back on the road to success, literally. Please, IM me with any info I can forward to the appropriate person as well as allow me to forward to you at the appropriate time the identity of our friend in need. Thanks for reading this, my friend. Sincerely, Just Joe this time.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 08:35:25 +0000

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