National Geographic - Panoramio - - TopicsExpress


National Geographic - Panoramio - 500px - YouPic - Flickr - Blog - English and Romanian Another adventure in the Bucegi mountains, for the curious and the brave. A hiden hermitage in the mountains, a religious refuge that guards a natural speological monument of our country. I’m talking about Ialomitei Monastery, placed at the entrance to the cave that bares the same name… The monastery is quite old, guarding this places since the 16th century, when it was built by the ruler Mihnea the Bad. In all it’s years, the hermitage burnt down quite a few times, being rebuild more beautiful each time, the current building standing since 1901. Acces to the cave is done by paying an 8 lei entrance fee. The cave is well iluminated, but it still wouldn’t hurt to have a flashlight with you and some warm clothes (the temperature in the cave drops considerably from the outside one)… Lots of stairs, some woow, some dug in stone, ocasional mud and moisture that drips from the ceiling right down the back of your neck to chill you good, a spring that crosses the lenght of the cave, a few wooden bridges, caverns some real tiny, some amazingly huge, all of these await you along Ialomitei Cave. The distance that can be traveled in the cave is about 400 meters, until the last room caled “the altar”… Inca o aventura in Muntii Bucegi pentru cei curiosi si curajosi. Un schit ascuns in munte, un refugiu religios ce pazeste un monument natural de speologie al tarii noastre. Este vorba de Manastirea Ialomitei, situata la intrarea in pestera cu acelasi nume… Manastirea este destul de veche, pazind aceste locuri inca din secolul XVI cand a fost ctitorita de voievodul Mihnea cel Rau. Dealungul timpului a ars de mai multe ori, dar de fiecare data a fost reconstruita mai frumoasa, schitul actual fiind ridicat in 1901. Accesul in pestera se face in urma achitarii unei mici taxe de 8 lei. Pestera este iluminata bine, dar tot nu strica poate sa aveti la voi o lanterna si niste haine mai groase (temperatura in pestera scade considerabil fata de temperatura de afara)… Scari multe, din lemn, cateva sapate in stanca, noroi ocazional si umezeala ce mai pica de pe tavan fix pe ceafa pentru a va racori putin, un parau suberb ce strabate pestera, cateva podulete de lemn, grote mai mici si sali enorme, toate acestea va asteapta dealungul acestei pesteri. Distanta ce se poate parcurge este de 400 de metrii, pana la ultima camera numita “La altar”… All right reserved by Ja Ja Bin
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:36:24 +0000

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