National Grid has warned that its capacity to supply electricity - TopicsExpress


National Grid has warned that its capacity to supply electricity this winter will be at a seven-year low due to generator closures and breakdowns. Spare electricity capacity, which ran at about 5% over the winter months last year, would be nearer 4% this year, National Grid said. Three years ago the margin was 17%. But National Grid said it has contingency plans in place to manage supply, including paying big firms to switch off on cold winter evenings. Dismissing fears of possible electricity blackouts, energy minister Matthew Hancock told the BBC: We are absolutely clear we are taking the measures necessary in order to have secure energy supplies this winter. Who runs these companies,dont they plan for breakdowns,dont they replace lost production due to closures.Have the idiots finally took over. Paying big firms to shut down,is that the best they can come up with.God helps us and save us from these profit driven greedy bastards,rather than have proper energy plan in place the Government just wing it hoping the power stays on and let the greedy gas and electric companies rip us off.The whole lot should be re-nationalised and give us a secure supply.Best of all we are sitting on top of millions of tons of coal and clean burn technology exists,but the Tories thought otherwise and we needed teaching a lesson.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 15:26:03 +0000

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