National Political Intelligence Service has started releasing - TopicsExpress


National Political Intelligence Service has started releasing stories and paying journalists to have their names on them... these tricks worked well during Nyayos Special Branch. In this era, we have penetrated right into the middle and heart of official NIS & those who work for Media Owners. We have MOLES everywhere.. So we do have information. You are DISAPPOINTED Raila Odinga navigated #SabaSaba away from BLOODSHED which your #witchdogsandgods prayed for. To you absence of bloodshed is consonant to anticlimax. Our team will throw them into defensive corners, with soberness, wits, and piercing TRUTHS, on this platform and elsewhere. Oh, Im on Facebook Leave! Dikembe, #riturudala. #Oritiuru! #Tuonaneni #Okbichalonegi #Manakakasaadhi. There is a story appearing in the Star newspaper reported by my friend Nzau Ya Musau. While I do not understand why Nzau added his name to a collection of NIS bullshit titled How Uhuru Neutralised Raila Over Saba Saba, I do know, however, the intent of such news stories. Increasingly, Nzau is among a group of journalists in the Star deeply engrossed in how to pull Kalonzo out of CORD. This project is being heavily funded and the Star, just like Daily Nation and The People (whose new colour mix reminds me of Hannan Tissue paper) is just but a business venture. Bear with their profits. However, as at now, all the scripts the media, both Star and others, have pulled on Hon. Musyoka have failed massively. When Kalonzo was in China recently, this scripts main lyrical was that he is avoiding CORD rallies. Back then, we were headed to Eldoret. Back then, all government intelligence apparatus went over-drive in warning, predicting, and condemning the violence that was to happen in Eldoret. For the first time since 2007-08, Eldoret was entered in the security books of Kenya as unsafe. A local security council and a governor swearing I will not allow CORD in my County, the Kenyan media sold out Uasin Gishu as a no go insecure zone. But we went to Eldoret anyway and a mammoth gathering of CORD supporters showed Kenya what it means to be secure in Eldoret. Kalonzo would arrive the next day and made it clear at JKIA press conference that he remains in CORD in the most passionate manner. Then we headed to Ntulele. On the same day, Gen. Jackson Mulinge - the KDF soldier who quelled both the 1977 and 1982 coups against Kenyatta and Moi governments was being lowered to his final resting place having been himself conquered by cancer - what an irony. But I digress. To scuttle the Ntulele Rally, the government employed delaying tactics embedded in an idiotic protocol whose purpose was to waste Raila Odingas time even as thousands waited for him in Ntulele since 7am. Again, the government failed. The people refused to walk back home. From 7am to a few minutes past 5.30pm when Raila finally arrived, they waited for Odinga and his team. I was there. So, from just these two examples. From Eldoret and Ntulele, you can see that How Uhuru Neutralised Raila over saba saba has been a consistent ploy which has massively failed at each stage. Note that in this particular news feature, the Star edits out all the other saba saba players and issues and juxtaposes Raila over all - if only they knew the power Kalonzo wields in CORD. When you read through the verbiage, Uhuru is conveniently edited out in the story which now talks about security chiefs. One paragraph goes, Top security chiefs led by Interior minister Joseph ole Lenku, his PS Mutea Iringo, KDF boss Julius Karangi, National Intelligence Service chief Michael Gichangi, Inspector General of Police David Kimaiyo and Head of the Public Service Joseph Kinyua held numerous meetings to plan a response. Thats the shocking contradiction. That in a week when over 20 Kenyans were being butchered elsewhere, the whole top government machinery was holding numerous meetings to plan a response of a political rally they had spent weeks warning the country would be violent. And the media, for profits, bought this best of jubilee security intelligence service hook, line and sinker; and, unashamed, peddled it with such honour that it assigned it one of Kenyan medias most sober journalists - Nzau ya Musau, esq - to propagate. As we do say, the tragedy of this jubilee government is their penchant to believe their own propaganda. They lie to themselves so many times that they start to plan how to, in reality, counter their own imaginations! Another section of this NIS rubbish which Musau (a fairly honest journalist) added his name to goes like: The President and his team made a decision to allow Cord to hold its rallies across the country and security was provided. At the same time, Jubilee leaders were stopped from conducting any parallel rallies. How? How did they allow Cord to hold its rallies across the country? Did they also allow CORD (it is CORD not Cord) to hold its rally in Eldoret. Why then did Raila have to issue that riot act we will go Eldoret mpende msipende?. Even in Nairobi, didnt we see all attempts to stop the rally, including attempts from Kideros office? Why was there a scuffle between Kidero and Ndolo? Didnt we see the evil axis of 2013 elections? I mean the church with its peace message, KEPSA with its rallies are scaring investors we want peace hogwash, then the media? Did we not see a group of rent-seekers calling itself bipartisan MPs troupe to the CORD secretariat? Did we not hear one ambassador outrageously meddle in Kenyas internal affairs? Warning about heightened tension after meeting the president, or? Even fundamentally egregious was the attempt to use the court to apportion responsibility for the crimes they were to commit on our three principals. What really was left unused in the governments intimidation playbook? Only one thing: The police. With over 15,000 (and you are stupid to believe this number, it was higher) heavily armed soldiers (and youve not counted the police dogs, rented mungiki, rented holoi poloi of Nairobi and that now legal state militia called NYS) how ugly would the situation have been had CORD (which they knowingly confuse with Raila Odinga) got gullible enough to hit the streets in whatever direction? Raila Odinga is NOT stupid. So, really, who neutralised the other? To CORD supporters, we have our game and we have our script. We intend to play using our script. We held month long consultative rallies using our script. This script is unknown by this government. Even their journalists do not have it. When you see media houses and security experts, and political scientists and sources within government belch out their idiosyncrasies, they are at a loss of what script we are using. Thats why they have been mesmerized and confused on how to take back Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka, whom they betrayed and mistreated and condescendingly told you have no numbers. You know why they are now falling over themselves for Hon. Kalonzo? Because CORD gave Hon. Musyoka a very high political value. They dont want Kalonzo, these vultures only want the political value in Kalonzo currently. They have realised Alfred Mutua, whom they thought they would prop up to take over Ukambani, is only a precious nickel - not gold. And Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka pulled a first on them they will not write in their media houses! Hon. Musyoka came to saba saba with Prof Kivutha Kibwana and Julius Malombe - both governors! What an egg in their faces! For Alfred Mutua, we have our script, and it is doing well. The CORD coalition intends to stick together. We have our script and they are damn scared of it. You see, their script was that saba saba would be this violent uprising like mau mau where 3 policemen would die and 3000 bodies are littered everywhere which would have allowed them to declare state of emergency, offer state burial and send our leaders to jail; which would have seen the country literaly descend into anarchy. Thats the script Mutahi Ngunyi (a top advisor) tweeted the other day (youll see it in the comments thread below). As the country burns, the presidents private lawyer Githu Muigai - would quickly be told to apply for another deferral - for the man is still an ICC suspect you know.It did not happen! They are very confused now. But to continue with their usual propaganda of we are on top of things, they are now sponsoring newspaper reporters to add their names to cheap, basic propaganda like How Uhuru Neutralised Raila over saba saba. The cost of a peaceful saba saba will be felt somewhere else. For the presidency to remain intact outside the ICC, there has to be a legal reason to delay appearing there. Rented Violence? Rented Ethnic cleansing? Sad. Because Musau and several journalists particularly from the star will read this, here is the diss: Smart people read the star but that doesnt make them idiots. Sorry. ........ Dikembe Disembe.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 11:51:45 +0000

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