National Security Agency Whistleblower Warns: Governments Illegal - TopicsExpress


National Security Agency Whistleblower Warns: Governments Illegal Spying on Citizens is Turning America into a Totalitarian State! And Theres Never Been a More Urgent Time To Protect Your Privacy! The unconstitutional assault on Americas civil liberties is continuing with fanatical vigor thanks to the Obama Administrations gross misuse of POWER. Recent revelations—including the NSAs collecting of phone records, web searches and emails of all Americans plus Benghazi and IRS profiling— show NOTHING IS OFF-LIMITS! Government SPYING and MANIPULATION is now becoming a way of life... Dont think for one minute you couldnt be next! Dear Friend, The scale of illegal government and corporate spying on American citizens is literally beyond anything Orwell could have imagined in his dystopian novel, 1984! According to former National Security Agency crypto-mathematician William Binney, who spent 40 years with the agency and is now a whistle–blower, the scale of illegal government and corporate spying on Americas citizens is literally beyond imagining. America is now inches away, he says, from becoming a turn-key totalitarian state. And the proof is in the headlines... A.P. Scandal Raises Specter of Big Brother — The New Yorker Freedom of the Press is protected in the U.S. Constitution—but since when has Obama and his left-wing fanatics had any respect for our Constitution? But disrespect is a far cry from out-and-out spying! Shame on the President and his goons! Benghazi emails show State Department had heavy hand — Fox News What really happened in Benghazi—and whos to blame for the deaths of innocent Americans—may never be known! Because those loyal to Obama and Hillary began massaging the talking points from the very beginning! If the definition of censorship is suppressing unacceptable parts—Hillary and Obama are guilty as charged! In IRS scandal, echoes of Watergate — Washington Post The last time I was aware that an American president misused the IRS to undermine his political enemies—he was impeached! OBAMAGATE has a familiar ring to it! Obama Administration defends massive phone record collection — Reuters The White House recently confirmed the NSA has been collecting the phone records and web search data of all Americans! Do you think the president was oblivious to his Administrations acts of spying... censorship... and gross misuse of power and intimidation tactics? NO! And if the IRS is his puppet for persecuting groups that oppose him politically—just think what the IRS could do to you! These acts are egregious assaults on the privacy and rights of every American citizen, and my fellow patriots—we cant let this happen—not in America! I warned you months ago... none of us are immune to government, corporate, or opportunistic surveillance—and what my research has uncovered will shock you: JUST CONSIDER THESE EGREGIOUS PRIVACY BREACHES... THE “TELESCREENS” ARE HERE! The web cams and built-in TV cameras consumers now use for Skype have a hidden purpose: According to a report from the Daily Mail in the UK, former CIA director David Petraeus admits U.S. intelligence agencies already have the capability to access these signals and view inside peoples living rooms without their knowledge! TOTAL SURVEILLANCE OF ALL COMMUNICATIONS: The U.S. government now routinely scans, records, and logs virtually every electronic communication on earth through its vast and top secret Echelon and Carnivore programs—including all telephone calls in and out of the United States, all emails, all text messages, all IMs, and all posts on popular websites like Facebook and Twitter. With supercomputers housed in a top-secret $2 billion bunker in Utah, they are able to crack every encryption code on the planet and, for the first time, cross reference every electronic communication and scrap of digital information on earth! TRACKING CODES ON EVERYTHING: Its not just grocery stores and coffee shops that are tracking every purchase you make with loyalty cards. So is the government. For example, most people dont realize that since 2004 all laser printers contain special technologies that imprint a tracking code on every document you print so that they can be traced back to an individual, like a license plate. THE POLICE ARE WATCHING YOUR EVERY MOVE: Next generation police cruisers and monitoring stations now use automated license plate readers (ALPRs) that log every license plate within eyesight and instantly record its location in a centralized police database —without legislative knowledge or consent in many areas. The American Civil Liberties Union and The New York Times recently reported that cell phones of private individuals are being tracked—without warrants—by State and local law enforcement all across the country so that the cell phone users locations can be documented over the course of a day, week, month or longer! DRONE AIRCRAFT TO BE USED TO SPY ON AMERICANS: The same unmanned drone aircraft that the CIA and the American military uses to kill terrorists in Pakistan are now being deployed by police to spy on U.S. citizens at home. Experts agree that up to 30,000 small, nearly silent drones will be in American air space by 2020. And all of it comes without a warrant—and without Congressional approval. HIDDEN CAMERAS AND MICROPHONES: Hidden government surveillance cameras are popping up everywhere. The new Intelli-Streets systems of street lights contain hidden cameras and microphones to record everything within a certain radius—as well as real-time telemetry feeds back to police headquarters. As in the UK, which led the way in Big Brother surveillance of its citizens, police agencies justify their compulsive spying on law abiding citizens as a necessary crime-fighting tool. EVEN YOUR CAR IS SPYING ON YOU: Most late model cars in the U.S. now contain an Electronic or Event Data Recorder (EDR) that contains detailed information on your driving habits, speed, locations and whether or not you were wearing a seat belt. This vast treasure trove of information can now be used against you in court or by insurance companies raising your rates. If the Feds have their way, such technological spying will soon be mandatory: In April 2012, the Senate passed a bill that would require all new cars in the United States to be fitted with black box data recorders from 2015 onwards. DATA MINING: The advent of new supercomputers means that every scrap of information about you can now be obtained, logged and correlated. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) National Security Branch Analysis Center (NSAC) has more than 1.5 billion government and private sector records about U.S. citizens collected from commercial databases, government information and criminal probes. A Freedom of Information Act lawsuit launched by the Electronic Privacy Information Center revealed that Federal agencies now routinely spy on journalists and citizens who criticize the government in any way. Among the websites in which data is now routinely collected, including who accesses them and for how long, is Facebook, Twitter, Hulu, the Huffington Post and the Drudge Report.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 06:04:19 +0000

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