National University Subject: English Third Year Course - TopicsExpress


National University Subject: English Third Year Course Code 1172 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60 #Course Title: 16th & 17th Century Drama C. Marlowe ---The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus W.Shakespeare —Macbeth, As You Like It Ben Jonson —Volpone John Webster - The Duchess of Malfi #Course Code 1173 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60 #Course Title: 16th & 17th Century Poetry Edmund Spencer—The Faerie Queen Bk 1 Canto 1 John Donne—The Sun Rising, A Valediction Forbidding Mourning, Twicknam Garden, The Canonization, Go and Catch a Falling Star, Batter My Heart, Death Be Not Proud Andrew Marvell—To His Coy Mistress, The Definition of Love, George Herbert—Easter Wings, The Collar John Milton—Paradise Lost Bk 1 #Course Code 1174 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60 #Course Title: 17th and 18th Century Non-Fictional Prose F.Bacon---Of Love, Of Marriage and Single Life, Of Truth, Of Plantation John Milton---Areopagitica Addison and Steele---Selections from The Spectators (as in The Norton Anthology of English Literature) Samuel Johnson – Life of Cowley Edmund Burke--- Speech on East India Bill #Course Code 1175 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60 #Course Title: Restoration and Eighteenth Century Fiction Aphra Ben--Oroonoko Daniel Defoe—Robinson Crusoe Henry Fielding—Joseph Andrews Jonathan Swift—Gulliver’s Travels Samuel Johnson-- Rasselas #Course Code 1176 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60 #Course Title: Restoration and Eighteenth Century Poetry and Drama John.Dryden—Mac Flecknoe William Congreve—The Way of the World Alexander Pope—The Rape of the Lock Thomas Gray—Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Elegy Written on a Country Churchyard Oliver Goldsmith—She Stoops to Conquer #Course Code 1177 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60 #Course Title: Victorian Poetry A.Tennyson—Locksley Hall, Ulysses, The Lotos Eaters, R.Browning—A Grammarian’s Funeral, Andrea del Sarto, Fra Lippo Lippi Mathew Arnold—Thyrsis, Dover Beach, The Scholar Gypsy Christiana Rossetti—Goblin Market, An Apple Gathering Gerald Manley Hopkins—The Windhover, Felix Randal, Spring and Fall, Pied Beauty. #Course Code 1178 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60 #Course Title: Introduction to Linguistics The course introduces students to fundamentals of Linguistics. It covers: a) Definition and characteristics of language, b) Basic concepts in Linguistics: Langue and Parole, Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic perspectives of language, Competence and performance c) Consonant and vowel sounds in English, Rules of elision and assimilation, Stress and intonation d) Morphology: Free and Bound Morphemes, Word formation rules e) Syntax: Sentence Construction Rules, Deep and Surface Structure f) Psycholinguistics: Child language development; theories of second language acquisition g) Sociolinguistics: Language varieties, Language and society, vvgv and culture; Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Recommended Reading: Text Books: Fromkin V. and R. Rodman. 1995. An Introduction to Language. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Roach, Peter. 2000. English Phonetics and Phonology. Cambridge University Press. John Lyons. 1981. Language and Linguistics An Introduction. Cambridge: C.U.P. O’Grady, William et al. 1987 Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction Hudson, R.H. 1996. Sociolinguistics. Cambridge University Press Reference Books: R.H. Robins. 1964. General Linguistics An Introductory Survey. New York: Longman David Crystal. 1985. Linguistics. Penguin Books. Bolinger. D. Aspects of Language. Ferdinand De Saussure. 1959. Course in General Linguistics. New York: Philosophical Library. (Chapters 1,2,3 and 4) Noam Chomsky. 1957. Syntactic Structures. S. Gravenhage: Mouton and Co. Noam Chomsky. 1965. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Mouton and C. M.A.K. Halliday. 1978. Explorations into the Functions of Language. #Course Code 1179 #Course Title :Professional English #Course Code 1180 #Course Title :Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 16:16:29 +0000

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