National leader of the All Progressive Congress of Nigeria, APC, - TopicsExpress


National leader of the All Progressive Congress of Nigeria, APC, and former governor of Lagos state has charged that Nigerians must not look at politics purely from the prism of religion but from the perspective of development. “We can only make progress if we begin to look at progress from the perspective of development and the capability of people we want to lead us and not from the prism of religion as many would want to do,” he said. “The desire to hold power must stem from a commitment to how to rid Nigeria of frustration, lack if medical care, good roads, insecurity and poverty.” The respected politician spoke in Lagos at the church dedication of the Overcomers Pentecostal Prayer Ministry and 60th birthday of its General Overseer, Rev. Ogedengbe Samuel, who is also special adviser on religious affairs to Governor Babatunde Fashola. Se. Tinubu said the success story of Lagos today was not based on religious sentiments but on hard core commitment to people-oriented policies and capable and disciplined leadership. He also added that his achievements and that of his successor couldn’t have been possible without prayers from both Christians and Muslims. ‘Every road we constructed, every school we built was for all the people and not a particular religion. Our religious and ethnic diversity must not be used as a divisive instrument but must be used for progress and development. No nation can survive religious bigotry,” he added. In the audience were Lagos Works Commissioner, Femi Hamzat, former Lagos Health commissioner,Dr. Leke Pitan, Pastor Kalejaiye, the leader of the C & S Worldwide, his eminence Olufemi akinsanya and religious leaders from the college of Bishops. See full text of his prepared speech. He also spoke extempore. BRIEF REMARKS AT CHURCH DEDICATION SERVICE AND 60TH BIRTHDAY THANKSGIVING AT OVERCOMERS PENTECOSTAL PRAYER ASSEMBLY. BY ASIWAJU BOLA TINUBU. March 22, 2014 PROTOCOL 1. Glory be to God in the highest, for His mercies endure forever. Such should be the songs on our lips and the praise in our hearts as a church as we witness today’s double celebration: the dedication of the building and the birthday thanksgiving of Rev. Samuel Ogedengbe. I rejoice with you as a congregation, as a family and as Nigerians who love this country dearly. 2. Today, this Church can look back and be proud of its testimony because it has abided under the shadow of the almighty. More importantly, because both the leaders and followers have taken the right steps and embraced progressive thought and change. Your adherence to the word of God and love for your neighbor as yourself is no doubt part of your testimony today. 3. No nation has ever survived a religious war. No religion has ever being able to wipe out another. History bears me out on these two counts. This is why the current religiously divisive politics our current leaders are playing will not augur well for our body politic. Religion as been elevated to a point where it is now used as a tool to curry and win votes. While we cannot take morality out of our politics, I must serve notice that governing the country along religious lines and manipulating religious sentiments will endanger our body politic. 4. Nigerians love democracy and are willing to make sacrifices needed to make it work. They will not negotiate their constitutional rights to vote out or vote in at prescribed intervals their representatives. A sense of citizenship responsibility and patriotism must guide our actions as citizens. We must resist leaders who appeal to our religious sentiments because we they want your votes. 5. I have known Rev. Ogedengbe for nearly two decades now and I can attest to his character and his love for God. He is a mobilizer, a lover of people and a courageous spiritual leader not afraid to speak truth to power. I urge you to continue on this path. As you turn 60, I celebrate with you and wish you the best of God’s blessings. 6. Let us not hold back, but give generously to the work of God and support the good work of the CHURCH. I thank you and God Bless. Asiwaju Bola Tinubu
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 09:13:38 +0000

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