Nations Come and Go Like individuals, nations come and go. While - TopicsExpress


Nations Come and Go Like individuals, nations come and go. While our life span on earth is in the range of 70 to 80 years, most great nations and empires usually last about 200-250 years. Spiritual values play a major role in the life of both individuals and nations. The many blessings that made this nation great and provided for our prosperity are the result of our drawing close to God, ands calling upon Him to guide us in all aspects of our lives. As we have withdrawn from His presence in recent years, we have witnessed the rapid decline of our country in almost every measure - economic, social, political, and spiritual. History teaches us valuable lessons if we are willing to listen and spend some time reflecting on what it has to say to us. If we fail to learn from history, we will be forced to repeat mistakes that have been made in our past. Winston Churchill said that the one thing we have learned from history, is that we don’t learn from history. We now have a multitude of people who have no real clue as to this nation’s historic foundations. If we don’t know where we have been, how can we possibly know where we are? What does the Bible have to say about nations/empires and their life cycles? We find that blessings come to the nation whose God is the Lord (Ps. 33:12). In Prov. 14:34, we are told that righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. The Apostle Paul gives us a graphic look into the impact of sin on the decline of the Roman Empire in Rom. 1:18-32. (To be continued)
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 01:38:04 +0000

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