Nationwide, the Pew Center for the States estimates about 24 - TopicsExpress


Nationwide, the Pew Center for the States estimates about 24 million ineligible voter registrations, including “more than 1.8 million dead people listed as voters; about 2.75million with voter registrations in more than one state; and about 12 million voter records with incorrect addresses, meaning either the voters moved or errors in the information make it unlikely any mailings can reach them.” Without solid voter identification laws, every one of these phony registered voters presents an opportunity for fraud – and of course, Eric Holder is dedicated, above almost every other consideration, to blocking voter ID laws. And vote fraud on this scale is not a mess that can be cleaned up after the election. Over 20% of votes cast in Ohio were fraudulent. Think about that. People, we cannot meekly accept this. These leftist bastards and their collaborating confederates in the media have attacked and wrecked our system of representative government. If military forces from Cuba began bombing our cities and storming the capitol in Washington DC the country would respond with outrage. Men and women would swamp the recruiting offices. Civilians from neighboring Virginia would not wait to enlist but fight them with their hunting rifles. The Cubans would never get the chance to replace our government with a totalitarian communist system. But Obama and other leftist Democrats before him have covertly attacked our government, and replaced representative government with a system in which leftist elitist power brokers select the President. The news media protects them by pretending the elections represent the will of the people. Just as the Nazis in France had help from collaborating French citizens, the news media collaborates with the leftist elites. The takeover of our government is not yet complete however. We the people must flood the offices of our representatives, especially the nominally conservative, demanding they defend and repair the voting system. The fence sitters will be emboldened by our numbers. Join Judicial Watch, True the Vote, and other anti-fraud organizations. There are more of us than there are of them. But unless we organize and fight back, they will continue to force feed us lies through the news, indoctrinate our children with progressive conditioning (PC), and view us as meek and docile vestigial remnants of a once free people. And thinking of that really pisses me off.
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 18:42:32 +0000

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