Native Spiritual Experience by philantropic | on September 19, - TopicsExpress


Native Spiritual Experience by philantropic | on September 19, 2013 A few days ago i was at work and had one of the most spiritual experiences in my life. For those who don’t know me i currently work as a traveling nurse in the PACU/Short Stay Surgery dept in Arizona, on The Navajo Indian Reservation. This is a land of raw beauty. How to describe it? The sky appears to be never ending. Harvest moon with clouds that appear to almost touch the earth. Numerous stars with a soft strong wind caressing my skin. Perfect! Sunrises so colorful, multiple shades of red, pink, purple. Rain in the distance that sometimes doesn’t even hit the ground. In this sacred land is the first time ever that i have seen multiple rainbows side by side and wide. Almost like another world or in some science fiction movie where you see the planet with 2 moons. Rock formations from stacked round stone wide at the bottom slim in the middle and round at the top, from extremely tall to small mountains to deep canyons where the clouds are below me. Different colors of dessert sand, scorching hot and dry. Volcanic rock. It is quiet and peaceful. My job consist of getting people ready for surgery. Gathering information about their medical history, assessing their vital signs such temperature, blood pressure, listening to their heart and lungs and just making sure documents are signed and that they have iv and medication. Since i live and work on an Indian Reservation (The Res or short) almost all of my patients are Indian, children and teenagers, Navajo and Hopi mostly. Some speak English some speak their native language. Family members usually wait at bedside until the patient is taken to surgery. I have to keep going back to check my paperwork because usually there is the Surgeon, the Physician Assistant, Anesthesia, Operating Room Nurse all have to come and see the patient and my paperwork cannot be completed until all have made their rounds. One day in particular and an old Indian Man sat beside his grandsons’ bed. The young teenager was almost ready for his time to go to surgery. The old Indian Mans’ skin was dark and weathered, His hair was black with silver streaks long and braided way down his back. He had a black western style wide brim leather hat on with a western long sleeve shirt buttoned up all the way to the top with a roped necklace with a turquoise stone. he wore jeans with a belt that had a big silver buckle and dark pointed toe boots. This day as i rounded the corner i saw him standing there and as our eyes met his never wavered, it was like he looked directly into my soul, and in an instant he pointed his bent finger at me and in an quick motion he beckoned me come. It was like it was a command. Just as i got to the bedside he stood over his grandson and touched him across the chest and round the heart in a way i have never seen before like he was blessing him, then he bowed his head and began to pray in his language that i did not understand but i could feel a power surround us. I stood by the bed with my hands on the bed rail just as he was doing with my head bowed and my eyes closed and I listened and though i could not understand his words it was like i felt their meaning. My mind raced with wonder as i felt strength, power, and healing. When he was finished using the only word that i understood, Amen, i also said Amen and when i looked up he was looking again directly into my eyes. He quickly nodded his head as if to say that it was done and i was released to go do whatever i needed to do then he simply turn around and walked out the door. I have had many choice experiences in my life this is one that i shall never forget. There is an old saying that goes something like, “you may not remember someone by what kind of house they live in or what kind of clothes they wear or how much money is in their band account but, you will always remember how they made you feel.” I encourage anyone that reads this to share it. As you continue on your life journey, record it for all have choice experiences and sometimes just writing them down helps us to open our eyes to how blessed we truly are in this spiritual realm called earth. This entry was posted in Empower Network, Testimonials Tags: blog daily, blogging stystem, personal development, personal growth « Previous Post About The Author: philantropic Powered by Livefyre Free Video - Click Here Click to Verify - This site has chosen an SSL Certificate to improve Web site security See for yourself!
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 06:30:59 +0000

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