Natural Remedies using common food for Snoring ( - TopicsExpress


Natural Remedies using common food for Snoring ( खर्राटों)------------- Snoring is one of the most common and unpleasant problems many people face, and while generally not dangerous, it can lead to sleep deprivation for the snorer and their partner. What causes snoring? Snores are the result of obstructed airways during sleep 1. Natural nasal spray One of the most effective ways to prevent snoring is by keeping your airways clear.----Mix salt in boiled water and allow to cool. Use 2-3 drops in each nostril before bed. 2. Green tea Recent research shows that green tea has a positive effect on people who suffer from sleep apnea.------Drink the tea before you go to bed to help reduce snoring and improve the quality of your sleep. 3. Olive oil In some cases, snoring occurs due to excess tissue at the back of the nose or throat,that creates minor blockage in the airways, causing the snores. Olive oil serves as lubricant, reducing the obstruction, leading to a reduction snoring.--------Take 3 small sips of olive oil before bed. 4. Eucalyptus oil Eucalyptus oil is fantastic at decongesting, clearing your nasal pathways and giving you a snore-free sleep.----------Boil water in a pot Add eucalyptus oil to pot,Place your head above the pot and Inhale the steam through your mouth and nose for instant nasal decongestion 5. Exercise your tongue and throat Making the muscles in your tongue and throat stronger can help reduce snoring . Ideas for exercises -Try to protrude the lower jaw over the upper jaw with your teeth showing while you count slowly to ten. Repeat 5-10 times a day. -Give your tongue a work out by saying this phrase at least 10-20 times before going to sleep “The lips, the teeth, the tip of the tongue.” -Put your tongue out perfectly straight as far as you can. Move it left, then right, touching the corner of your lips but making sure it stays straight. Do this in front of a mirror twice a day. 6. Ginger tea Aside from its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, ginger also increases saliva production which provides lubrication for the nasal pathways and your throat, allowing air to pass unobstructed----Boil water in a pot. Add the ginger and let the pot simmer for about 5 minutes. Turn the heat off, cover the pot and wait for 5 minutes.Remove the ginger, add the honey and stir will.Drink the tea before bed. 7. Fresh garlic, onion or horseradish Strong, aromatic foods like garlic, onion can help prevent snoring by drying out your nose, reducing congestion. 8. Pineapple, bananas and oranges One of the best ways to prevent sleep apnea is by improving the quality of your sleep – this can be achieved by increasing the amount of melatonin (the hormone which makes us sleepy) your body produces. One of the most effective and recommended ways to increase melatonin production is by eating foods that are rich in it: Fresh pineapples increases melatonin levels by 266%. Bananas increase melatonin levels by 180% Oranges increase melatonin levels by 47%
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 15:24:49 +0000

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