Natural Strategies for Optimizing Human Growth Hormone The - TopicsExpress


Natural Strategies for Optimizing Human Growth Hormone The dangers of human growth hormone injections are real and substantial. Most of these dangers center on the body’s inability to control the effects of HGH injections through a series of hormonal checks and balances. Fortunately, there are natural strategies that can safely improve your body’s ability to produce HGH without the side effects. They are: Adequate Sleep – The highest concentration of HGH activity occurs during deep sleep. There are numerous studies that have clearly shown that inadequate sleep and irregular sleeping patterns can substantially reduce the about of human growth hormone secretion. According to Dr. Richard Auchus, a professor of endocrinology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas: “Growth hormone and testosterone production peak during sleep. You can actually get people to test pathologically low for growth hormone by waking them repeatedly during the night. I always tell people that if you want to maximize your growth hormone, get a good night’s sleep.” Avoid high glycemic foods – Insulin is a direct inhibitor of HGH secretion. High glycemic foods can play havoc with your insulin levels causing them to spike or surge above normal, healthy levels. Not only does this increase your risk for developing type II diabetes but it can also have a powerful affect on reducing human growth hormone secretion. Trim your abdominal fat – If you’re carrying excess fat around the mid-section then you will impaired your body’s ability to produce HGH. Typically, a person with excess stomach or abdominal fat is also suffering from both insulin and leptin resistance. By working to restore your body’s leptin sensitivity you can accomplish three positive health benefits: reduced body fat, improved blood sugar control, and improve human growth hormone and IGF-1 production. Exercise – The type, duration, and level of intensity of your exercise program will have varying effects on HGH secretion. There are multiple studies that show how an exercise intensity that pushes your body to a lactate threshold can trigger an excised-induced HGH release for at least 24 hours. Most athletes create this lactic acid formation to stimulate HGH release by using high intensity, short duration exercises. However, several studies have shown that properly administered circuit training programs that utilize relatively light resistances can be just as effective in stimulating the production of human growth hormone. Late night snack – Your last snack before bedtime can have an impact on your fat stores or your HGH production but not both. High carbohydrate snacks before bedtime will only feed your fat cells. They do nothing to stimulate the production of human growth hormone. However, a high-protein, low-carbohydrate snack about an hour before bedtime can serve a dual purpose. Because it’s low carbohydrate it minimizes insulin release. (Remember insulin is counterproductive to HGH secretion.) Because it’s high in essential amino acids it aids your body’s natural ability to produce human growth hormone. Just keep your snack under 200 calories and at least an hour before bedtime. L-arginine – This essential amino acid, when properly brought into your system, can increase the release of HGH. However, the combination of L-arginine intake with exercise, especially resistance training or interval training exercises, can produce even greater increases in human growth hormone. Glutamine – Your body’s most abundant amino acid is glutamine. Studies have shown that consuming even a modest amount of glutamine (2000 mg) can increase HGH levels. Glycine – This essential amino acid also has the potential to benefit human growth hormone production. Research has shown that glycine plays a critical role in initiating normal patterns of REM sleep. In a 2007 study published in Sleep and Biological Rhythms, researchers showed that glycine administered orally just prior to bedtime significantly improved the quality of sleep for the test subject. The test subjects were chronic insomniacs. In addition to helping improve their sleep patterns, one of the side benefits was an improvement in the HGH production. This would make sense since proper sleep is a critical factor in the body’s ability to properly regulate its circadian release of human growth hormone.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 19:05:47 +0000

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