Natural Ways To Stay Awake: For people who are busy working - TopicsExpress


Natural Ways To Stay Awake: For people who are busy working during the day, it can be an extreme challenge to make the most of the last 10 nights for ibadah, and some may even resort to unnatural ways of staying awake, including consuming large amount of caffeine, which can be detrimental to one’s health. Here are natural ways of staying awake at night Insha’Allah. • Nap: Master short bursts of power naps. These can range from 20 to 40 minutes, up to a maximum of 90 minutes. They are extremely powerful to keep you awake and going for at least 3-4 hours after the nap. Whenever you’re tired and see a window of opportunity to take a quick nap - do so. This will help keep you going Insha’Allah. • Food: What we eat affects whether we can stay up or sleep. The more we eat at iftaar/suhoor, the more we’ll feel sleepy. Eat light and healthier for these 10 nights and you’ll be able to observe the long night prayers easily Insha’Allah. • Make dua that Allah blesses you with energy, blesses your sleep, and blesses your time so that you can make the most of these blessed nights and reach maximum productivity through them, Insha’Allah What Will Be Your ONE SPECIAL Good Deed? What is the ONE special good deed that you’d want to remember your Ramadan with this year so you have no regrets by the end of it? Something you’ve never done before, something you’ve pushed yourself beyond your means and out of your comfort zone to achieve!? Here are some ideas: • Go on a full 10-day i’tikaaf (or less perhaps if this is your first time or if commitments don’t permit) • Take out your wallet and give the largest ONE donation you’ve ever given in your life to a charitable cause. • Forgive that ONE person you said you’d never ever forgive. • Get to know a poor family and vow to sponsor them as long as you live. • Arrange an Iftar at an orphanage • Donate an important piece of asset you have (e.g. land/property/farm) to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) in the form of Waqf (endowment). Make this Ramadan truly memorable for your soul by doing something extraordinary this Ramadan! Think about it & take action! Source:productiveramadan
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 19:42:38 +0000

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