Natural hair my foot, I want my weave! Society is always ready - TopicsExpress


Natural hair my foot, I want my weave! Society is always ready to crucify us girls who wear weaves, fake eye-lashes and make-up. They always go on about how we must learn to be natural and appreciate ourselves as we are (curse the idiot who told them that we don’t love ourselves). The fact that we wear make-up and have fake hair does not mean we do not love ourselves, what’s wrong with us wanting to enhance our beauty a little bit? We all have a choice, we chose what we want to wear, the places we want to go and the people we hang out with, if you choose to walk around with your natural hair and a bare face that’s your choice but don’t be hating on us women who choose to go the opposite direction. The one thing I have noticed about these women who go on about being ‘Natural’ is that they always have something to say about women who don’t, I have never not even once in my life heard a woman wearing a Brazilian weave launch an attack at a woman who has her natural hair tied neatly into a small pony. I also hear guys go on about how much they love natural women, updating on social networks trying to look cool yet when I walk pass him with my long fake hair, eyelashes, fake nails he will stop me and ask for my number. My point is that all women have a choice and we are all inspired by different people, I love my Yardley blush, my Mac foundation, my essence mascara and I should not be made to feel guilty for that, I feel good when I am wearing it, I love painting my nails different colours I love my lipgloss. If you are happy with your bare nails, bare face and you natural hair then good for you girl we are happy for you but don’t be passing judgment on other people because they choose not do what you do, that’s some bullshit. It will always be fun and games to point fingers at us and call us fake until we come flip our weave, bat out eyelashes and nicely walk away with your man then you will learn that day that you need some lip gloss and not zambak on those crusty lips. Love Sphe*
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 19:08:33 +0000

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