Naturally, Thrive The Best You Can - For your loved ones, - TopicsExpress


Naturally, Thrive The Best You Can - For your loved ones, friends and family, I encourage you strongly to educate yourself to the benefits and power of natural medicine (herbs, seeds, roots, plants - from where most pharmaceutical medicine derives its origin -- only without the side effects). I read stories everyday of people relying on the sole knowledge of medical pharmacologists (doctors) and surgeons to be their brain trust when it comes to their body. Someone you see for a few minutes, infrequently determines your health, quality of life and life outcomes? Hey, I appreciate doctors, greatly, but your greatest advantage is you learning. The medical doctor should only be part of your plan. You know the deep facets of your favorite sitcom fictional characters because it is an intriguing pleasure. You invest a large part of your life in your hobbies. But what a pleasure and great benefit it would be to learn preventative knowledge or curative measures to prevent and treat disease by including natures amazing foods, herbs, seeds, plants and roots in your diet and plan for health. I dont knock the power of clinical medicine. If I need a surgery or an antibiotic or a pain reliever, I am all over that, for temporary assistance. And, I have seen the power of prayer, undisputed healing, and unexplainable divine favor. But we have a wealth of health and healing in the earth that God made which we come from. In fact, we have a responsibility we may not realize -- to master and take advantage of natures bounty.Yes, there is both information and misinformation to wade through, but that is true with any topic of interest. I encourage you to improve your own life and health and make a commitment to broadening your health awareness. As time goes by, the politics of clinical medicine are being replaced by medical journals filled with proof that many natural remedies are highly effective. Thats not to say there is not a measure of quackery out there or gimmicks, that is just the way of the world. But consider, things like probiotics, the promotion of healthy fats, all of a sudden -- these are widely promoted. But, hey, these used to be dismissed as remedial or laughed upon by the medical community and got very little positive recommendation. Now their journals are packed with articles praising and proving the benefits (Now you can buy probiotics from Pharmaceutical companies in a familiar brand with doses so low they are of marginal benefit - why we must learn - knowledge is to our advantage). Many people have been receiving the benefits of probiotics and healthy fats from sound knowledge in this area for over 50 years. This is just one example. There is no guarantee on the duration we will live, but we do well to invest our focus on taking a positive attitude as to what is possible. I guarantee you, that if I was taking the thyroid, arthritis and blood pressure meds the doctors wanted to give me, I would be not only aged much further, but feeling the devastating side effects I have seen other loved ones endure. But, via diet, exercise, vitamins and specific herbs, all of these things are well controlled and I feel great most of the time. There are days when arthritis devastates me. I have had it in some measure since I was 9 years old. Some days off, I have stayed in bed or sitting at home aching and not moving too well, but I tell you, as I get up and hobble to the shower, get moving, get out and walking, slowly I get rolling and pretty soon I am back at 90%. And a few days later I might be playing a sport and feeling great like my 20s and 30s. We do age, it is inevitable, each of us has some built in defects to deal with as well, but how we live and age and remain youthful is a CHOICE! I am going to be 49. As George Clooney said, After 40, its all about plugging holes in the holes in the boat. The holes vary in size! Every now and then you get a curveball thrown at you in life and have to face an unexpected injury or health challenge. It might become easy to say, I will always feel this discomfort or pain, or I feel drained all the time because I am just getting old or because, because, because I have , I cant exercise because of my knee or shoulder, etc. While caution may be in order, fear needs to be defeated and replaced with belief and curiosity as to what is possible. You may be very wrong about your self assessment, and probably are if you are hanging on to limitations. Dont let limitations stop you from what you can do, because what you can do will pay you back with interest and you just might find the sun shining a whole lot brighter with the push you make. It may look like a mountain, but as you get higher it is only a hills journey to the top, the view and the downhill. One step in front of the other, grab the steering well in our life, hit the pedal, manage the brake, throw a few experts in your passenger seat (oh, and enjoy some good music). Learn, apply, benefit, help your loved ones. Network, get into online or in-person health minded communities of interest dedicated to natural medicine, clinical medical breakthroughs, and healthy living. Do it now, keep doing it, and thrive the best you can. Let me know if I can help you thrive, learn or research to improve your life or deal with any health challenges you or loved ones face. Many Blessings,-George
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 15:23:19 +0000

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