Nature is pretty amazing. Sometimes in an ecosystem imbalance is - TopicsExpress


Nature is pretty amazing. Sometimes in an ecosystem imbalance is created. It never lasts. Nature abhors imbalance and seeks to regain said attribute at all costs. Sometimes a fire is just a wild fire, raging through the trees, burning thousands of acres into a pile of ash. You cannot stop the wild fire until it has burned what it will burn, you can only encourage it not to burn the innocent people in its path by taking precautionary measures. Sometimes the only way to do that is to start controlled fires along the perimeter of a populated area to burn away the natural fuel before the wild fire reaches it, and organize an evacuation. No one sane ever takes the fires side in that conflict, for the fire is unfeeling and remorseless. It is destined to burn therefore it will burn. Get the innocent lives out of dangers way and let it burn itself out. Just sayin.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 02:34:28 +0000

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