Nature is so amazing! The bees have been crawling all over me - TopicsExpress


Nature is so amazing! The bees have been crawling all over me today, and I just close my eyes and melt into the sensitive sizzle of their dainty feet kissing my skin! WOW! More magical than human touch could ever be! We are never alone! I have been outside doing yoga in the sunshine, joyfully extracted from urbanitys noise and wi-fi .... enveloped in the loving embrace of a 1000 year old Redwood grove It is a grand sigh, recovering my deep breath from a month of focused work/play in LA. (I breathe shallowly while im there, not wanting to let the pollution too deep into my lungs) I bend and breath, skin fully exposed to the sunshine, next to our potted plants and herbs. I pet them like they were animals, I kiss their leaves, I celebrate them, I talk to them like they are my children (sometimes in my head, sometimes out loud!). I ask them what they need and want, and I swear they communicate with me, so joyful they are to be acknowledged as sentient beings! I play them kundalini mantras and sing to them, and as they wave in the wind, I feel transported into their slow motion reality. The trees are always waving at us! I swear that having a conversation with a plant is more connective and tickles the heart with more sizzles than having a conversation with most people! I enjoy being a solitude creature, mostly because it leaves me with little distraction from this wonderland of beauty around me! Having human conversations always feels slightly contrived or forced, no matter how interesting the intellectual stimulation. (What DO we talk about?) With plants I can just BE! They tickle my soul! My body is ecstatic, kissed by bee toes, my face petted by basil leaves, my heart embraced by natures majesty. There are so many things I could focus on that I cant do anything about, that are dense and heavy and invisible. Or I could choose to focus my attention on What Is. Right here and Now. You cant escape nature! It creeps up even through the cement! It is sheer glorious magic! Bee kisses for everyone!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 23:23:33 +0000

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