Nature puts no question and answers none which we mortals ask. - TopicsExpress


Nature puts no question and answers none which we mortals ask. She has long ago taken her resolution. Henry David Thoreau Good , Character, Moment Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed. Cavett Robert War, Actions , Answer But do I think that our actions in anyway violate the War Powers Resolution, the answer is no. Barack Obama Life , Conscience , Changes The changes in our life must come from the impossibility to live otherwise than according to the demands of our conscience not from our mental resolution to try a new form of life. Leo Tolstoy Men , Liar, Makes Men should pledge themselves to nothing; for reflection makes a liar of their resolution. Sophocles Someone , Once , Year I have no way of knowing how people really feel, but the vast majority of those I meet couldnt be nicer. Every once in a while someone barks at me. My New Years resolution is not to bark back. Tucker Carlson Impossible , Means , Few There are very few things impossible in themselves; and we do not want means to conquer difficulties so much as application and resolution in the use of means. Francois de La Rochefoucauld Fitness, Financial , Achieved No ones ever achieved financial fitness with a January resolution thats abandoned by February. Suze Orman Year , Asked If you asked me for my New Year Resolution, it would be to find out who I am. Cyril Cusack Good , Happy , Keep My New Years resolution is to stick to a good workout plan that will keep me healthy and happy. James Lafferty Art, Happy , Wise Those who gave thee a body, furnished it with weakness; but He who gave thee Soul, armed thee with resolution. Employ it, and thou art wise; be wise and thou art happy. Akhenaton Lazy, Special , Means I know. Im lazy. But I made myself a New Years resolution that I would write myself something really special. Which means I have til December, right? Catherine OHara Vote , Earth , Israel If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions. Abba Eban Evil , Impossible , Far The resolution to avoid an evil is seldom framed till the evil is so far advanced as to make avoidance impossible. Thomas Hardy Revelation People need revelation, and then they need resolution. Damian Lewis Evil , Impossible , Far A resolution to avoid an evil is seldom framed till the evil is so far advanced as to make avoidance impossible. Thomas Hardy Women, Men , Mind The tantalizing discomfort of perplexity is what inspires otherwise ordinary men and women to extraordinary feats of ingenuity and creativity; nothing quite focuses the mind like dissonant details awaiting harmonious resolution. Brian Greene Women, Fight , Justice Research confirms that both Republican and Democratic women are more likely than their male counterparts to initiate and fight for bills that champion social justice, protect the environment, advocate for families, and promote nonviolent conflict resolution. Dee Dee Myers Fear , Away, Makes Necessity of action takes away the fear of the act, and makes bold resolution the favorite of fortune. Francis Quarles Work, Win, Honest In no direction that we turn do we find ease or comfort. If we are honest and if we have the will to win we find only danger, hard work and iron resolution. Wendell Willkie Time, Fact , Year In fact, my New Years resolution every year, and Im Jewish so I get two New Years a year, is to meditate, and I fail every time. Sheryl Sandberg End, Country , Tried The courts of this country should not be the places where resolution of disputes begins. They should be the places where the disputes end after alternative methods of resolving disputes have been considered and tried. Sandra Day OConnor Time, Best, Children Sometimes we know the best thing to do, but fail to do it. New years resolutions are often like that. We make resolutions because we know it would be better for us to lose weight, or get fit, or spend more time with our children. The problem is that a resolution is generally easier to break than it is to keep. Peter Singer Law , Universe , Makes That which does not kill me makes me stronger is not a law of the universe. What it can be, if we so choose, is a resolution. Julian Baggini
Posted on: Tue, 31 Dec 2013 02:40:17 +0000

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