Naughty and Devilish Book Blog had the opportunity to interview - TopicsExpress


Naughty and Devilish Book Blog had the opportunity to interview Lily White. So many fans would love to see into her mind, so we asked, and she answered! NDBB: We all know that Lily White and M.S. Willis are one in the same. What made you decide to use a pen name? Lily White: I switched to a pen name to distinguish between genres because eventually M.S. Willis will be my pen names for genres separate from Lily White. Whereas Lily will remain in the romance genre, M.S. Willis will explore other genres such as paranormal, fantasy and dystopian. NDBB: If you could spend a week with 1 of your characters, who would it be, and what would you do with them? Lily White: I’d love to spend a week picking Aiden Oliver’s brain. He is the most manipulative and level headed of all my characters and truly makes no apology for being the ‘bad guy’. NDBB: If you could get inside the mind of any 1 person, living or dead, for just an hour, who would it be, and what would you hope to learn? Lily White: I would want to get inside the mind of some of the criminals that I study on my off time. I’ve always been fascinated by the truly depraved because I don’t understand how they do what they do without thought or compassion. NDBB: Where did you get the idea for the Master Series? The Estate Series? Lily White: Sadly, I have no idea where my ideas stem from. The Estate Series came about one day when I was out people watching and a story just formed in my head. My stories tend to develop as I write them and never quite turn out the way I originally had them planned. It’s as if the characters take over once I create them and they write the story. The Masters Series came about when I wondered what would happen if you took a true sociopath and kept him that way, in that he didn’t change because of love. NDBB: Your readers would love to have a glimpse inside your mind. What 1 thing would you want them to learn? Lily White: Well, any person willing to explore the confines of my mind would need a road map to find their way around in there. If they had to learn anything in there, it would be the idea of strength and survival which is a major theme in my books. I believe in adapting to ones environment in order to survive that environment so I’d hope the person would walk away with a better idea of perseverance in the face of animosity and that they could see how, despite what happens, there is always a way to learn from it and walk away a stronger person. NDBB: Is there a boundary you aren’t willing to cross in your writing? What is it? Lily White: Yes. I won’t write a story that involves abuse against animals or children. That’s is a hard line for me because I view animals and children as pure innocence. NDBB: What is your favorite activity, outside of writing, and why? Lily White: Researching. I spend many hours reading and studying up on various subjects. I read more non-fiction than I do fiction because I’m an avid learner, even going to far as to research subjects in college courses and purchasing the books on the curriculums to read, even though I’m not enrolled in the class. NDBB: Do you have any “rituals” you have for release day? What is/are they? Lily White: My ritual on release day is to hide by absorbing myself in my next book. It makes me a horrible marketer, but by the time one book is being released, I’m already completely taken in by my next story. NDBB: You write A LOT. We all know it. What is the 1 thing you HAVE to do in order to wind down, when you take a rare day off? Lily White: Playing video games and hanging out with my kids. It’s very rare that I have a full day off between writing and the social media requirements of my career, but on those rare days, I enjoy being with the people I love. My children surprise me every day with how compassionate, creative and intelligent they are and it’s very easy for me to just listen to them talk and learn new things about them every day. NDBB: And last but not least…. If you were going to be stranded on a desert island, and you could take 1 person, 1 book and 1 food with you. What would they be? Lily White: Above all, I’m a practical person. I have enough stories in my head to keep me entertained so I wouldn’t take a fiction book with me. I would take a survivalist’s handbook, some type of fruit or vegetable so I could plant the seeds to create more food and Bear Grylls because he can survive nature. He can do all the heavy work of gathering food, building a shelter and finding water, while I sat back and watched. It helps that he’s kind of hot too. ;-)
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 13:15:00 +0000

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