Navy SEAL: Hillary is Personally Responsible for Benghazi - TopicsExpress


Navy SEAL: Hillary is Personally Responsible for Benghazi Security... Anybody who has taken more than a casual glance at the Benghazi terror attacks knows that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton bears responsibility for the attack, and is complicit in the administration cover up that followed. News recently broke that several of Hillary Clinton’s top aides and associates at the State Department hid numerous documents with incriminating evidence pertaining to Benghazi, before the so-called “independent” Accountability Review Board (ARB) investigation had a chance to go through them. This, if true, is a blatant criminal offense, for which people must be charged. Hillary must be subpoenaed by Trey Gowdy’s Benghazi Committee, along with all of her minions from the State Department that were involved. The ARB report, and the testimony stemming from it, points to Hillary Clinton as being personally responsible for the security situation at Benghazi, says former Navy SEAL Scott Taylor, according to Newsmax. Taylor explains that US Embassies and facilities around the world are often provided security by the host country, except in cases where the host country would be unable or unwilling to adequately respond to a crisis. Libya falls into that classification of being unable to respond. Taylor said, “if there was a government that did not have the capacity to respond, then based on that 1999 ARB [Accountability Review Board report], the secretary of state would personally and actively review the security,” adding that “that’s an excellent point, of course, to show that Hillary Clinton was supposed to personally and actively review the security there.” Benghazi Select Committee Chair Trey Gowdy touched on this briefly during his “interrogation” of State Department official Gregory Starr, who is the Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security. “‘The Secretary of State should personally review the security situation of diplomatic facilities, closing those which are threatened,” said Gowdy, citing the report, adding “Why do you think the 1999 ARB went out of its way to use the word personally?” Gowdy asked Starr. “No comment, sir,” Starr responded. Hillary Clinton should have taken personal responsibility for the security setup at Benghazi. Whether she did or not remains an unanswered question, but one thing is certain, security was cut at the compound, despite requests for more, and was replaced by a local radical Islamic militia group with direct ties to Al-Qaeda. Hillary bears the responsibility for the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, as well as the wounding of countless others. The truth will eventually come out, and her career will be finished by it, hopefully inside of a jail cell.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 13:27:24 +0000

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