Ndi Gboo Kwenu!!! My Igbo/Afrikan Brothers & Sisters across the - TopicsExpress


Ndi Gboo Kwenu!!! My Igbo/Afrikan Brothers & Sisters across the continent of Afrika and the Diaspora, I greet you all... Skin Bleaching is a Blatant Declaration of SELF-HATRED!!! The fact that the skin-bleaching product of the Nigerian-Cameroonian singer Dencia called Whitenicious, reportedly sold-out in less than 24hrs, underscores the lack of Self-Love amongst our people... Skin-Bleaching and the underlying psychological problem it represents (i.e. low self-esteem/self-hate) is cancerous disease of epidemic proportions spreading throughout our Afrikan communities both here on the home continent and in the Diaspora. I think its about time we Black Afrikans in communities around the world, start talking to skin-Bleachers on the street when we see them. I cant comprehend why any Afrikan would choose to go from God/dess to Ghost. It is clear that the root cause of this epidemic is the promotion of the false notion that white skin is superior and more beautiful than Black/Afrikan skin... a notion which is even scientifically proven to be untrue, yet the White Supremacists of the West and their brain-washed African cronies continue to covertly and overtly peddle this deceptive marketing slogan throughout the media via commercials, movies, music videos, cartoons, etc. You walk into the average cosmetics shop in Nigeria and frankly in any other West Afrikan country where Ive visited (i.e. Cameroon, Ghana, Togo, Benin...) and the shelves are filled top to bottom with countless brands of creams, lotions, soaps, etc, promising the consumer a quick way to ERASE their BLACKNESS. Youd have to look very, very hard to find cosmetics that actually help you preserve and nurture your naturally Divine Black/Brown/Light Afrikan skin. Its so bad that it seems even the cosmetics that claim not to BLEACH or TONE or LIGHTEN your skin, actually do that slowly over time with continued use. Now, my family and I dont apply anything but natural oils to our skin (i.e. Cocoa Butter Oil, Olive Oil, Shea Butter Oil, Avocado Oil, Coconut Oil, etc, usually mixed with pure Honey)... just to avoid the mess out there. As for the likes of Dencia, Nicki Minaj, Vibz Cartel, Sammy Sosa & our many Afrikan celebrities, politicians and regular folk who Bleach amongst our people, they are gone with the wind. Even if they awoke from their madness & had Billions of Dollars at their disposal, theyd never be able to create a cream to reverse the damage & restore their original melanated skin. They have committed high treason against themselves, their/our maker and we/their people. Theyve rejected their birthright, the mark of their inborn Divinity... It is irretrievable! They are like Angels who chose to cut their own wings off (i.e. fallen Angels); they can never fly again & have cursed themselves to spend the rest of their days roaming the Earth as restless & tormented ghosts. As for those skin-Bleachers foolish/stupid enough to say that, Its their life/body and they can do whatever they want with it... they are right but horribly wrong at the same time. If they want to wreck their lives and bodies, thats good and fine, afterall every man and woman will answer for his own soul. However, they cross they line when they destroy themselves and then still come into the public eye to advertise and even monetize their stupidity thus misleading the countless impressionable Afrikan youths around the world... making them feel less of themselves, so that they can follow their self-destructive example. We must realize that the Devil doesnt want to die alone. Many of these skin-Bleachers later realize their errors, and instead of try to make amends by steering others away from repeating their mistake, they instead want to drag you down with them. DONT FALL INTO THIS TRAP MY PEOPLE!!! Take heed! If you notice your brother, sister, cousin, friend, mother, father, nephew, niece start to show signs of skin Bleaching, PLEASE! PLEASE!! PLEASE!!! Call them aside and lovely explain to them the dangers of what they are doing. Educate them on the Rich Royal Heritage and Ancestry which their Black/Afrikan skin represents (regardless of its original shade... dark charcoal, Chocolate Brown, Light Brown to even Albino). Let them know that the original man and woman on PlanET Earth was Black/Afrikan, and that the Black Man and Woman are the Gods and Goddesses of this PlanET. They should not let anyone or anything make them think or feel less of themselves. We must also acknowledge that our Black/Afrikan women are affected by this problem alot more than the men. Most of the media campaigns promoting skin Bleaching are targeted at/against our women, and for a very good reason... they know that the Black/Afrikan Woman is the original God/dess of PlanET Earth, the Life-Giver, the Nation-Builder, the Source of Inspiration for our communities, and so by attacking her self-esteem, making her think/feel less of herself, and making her crave to be less than her original self, they are directly attacking and destroying the very core, the Soul of Afrika. We must understand this vital fact, for only then will we be able to properly counter this problem. Black/Afrikan men MUST erase from their minds/hearts the Western sponsored mind-programing which makes them think/say that white skin women are more beautiful than Black skin women... thats a blatant lie, and by embracing that lie, ignorant/self-hating Afrikan men are demoralizing/destroying our Afrikan women, and thus destroying our Afrikan Nation. We have to make a wildfire of a movement out of this. Lets save our Brothers and Sisters from going down this path to nowhere. Your Brother, Prince George Maxwell Obioha Kanu aka Prince Obioha - The Heart of the People... For: KHAMANU - EMISSARIES of LIGHT... From: BIAFRA - Fortress of CHUKWU ABIAMA... Temple of NNECHUKWU... Kingdom of the SUN. https://facebook/KHAMANU9 https://facebook/ANUBYA
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 12:01:20 +0000

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