Near the beginning of the first ever Dr. Who episode “An - TopicsExpress


Near the beginning of the first ever Dr. Who episode “An Unearthly Child”. We find teachers Barbara and Ian discussing 15 year old Susan Foreman and her unseen Grandfather. Concerning Susan’s Grandfather Ian remarks: “He’s a Doctor isn’t he?” Barbara never replies. Later when the two teachers meet Susan’s Grandfather in the Junk Yard. We have the famous lines between him and Ian: “I’m the Doctor!” “Dr. Who?” Ian as stated from the information provided by Susan, on her school admission card, believes that her Grandfather’s profession is that of a Medical Doctor. So in the exchange Ian is actually inquiring after the Doctor’s name such as Dr. Martha Jones, but after those two lines are spoken the subject is dropped and we’ve never gotten an answer after 50 years of viewing. River Song accepted! I would ask you to consider not the two lines, but William Harntell’s delivery of those three little words: “I’m the Doctor” The tone he uses is a statement of fact which the Doctor believes requires no further explanation and is final. The presumption by the two teachers is incorrect. Grandfather is not either a medical doctor, or a man with a doctorate in some other field. He is simply “THE DOCTOR!” A title of some kind specifically recognized within the Time Lord Society and on other Alien Planets with the exception of backward 20th Century Earth. In the beautifully written and delivered speech by David Tennant while on “The Titanic” the crucial part is simply his statement that “I’m the Doctor!” Those words should end any more arguments by the frightened passengers and comfort them also. In fact the one non-Earthling in the group seems to respond immediately with some recognition. I believe there are certain titles either earned by Time Lords upon graduation from the Academy, or passed on by family association. Remember the Doctor’s mother is a prominent member of Rassilon’s Time Lord Council. No other Time Lord can assume that title until the current one finally dies and the vacancy, so to speak, becomes available. One such title is “The Doctor”. The actions of the Time Lords and other Alien Races indicates that title has great meaning, recognition and yes fear. I can agree as some have speculated as to what this particular title refers too. When the fate of the entire Universe was in danger the Time Lord Council sent for “The Doctor” in “The Three Doctors”. When the “Scrolls of Rassilon” were in danger during “The Five Doctors” it is “The Doctor” that the Time Lord Council turns to once again. He is their fixer, their “Doctor” if you please, but he is also their scape goat as in “The Trial of a Time Lord”. Two sides of one coin, but he is the protector of his adopted world the Earth. The Doctor is the one Time Lord feared by the Dalek Civilization, the Cybermen, other Alien forms and he still has the power to fix President Rassilon’s attempt to escape from the Time Lock while destroying the Earth with the return of Gallifrey and the Time Lord Civilization itself. The question we need to ask is what toll does all this have upon him and for that answer I look to another “title” and a prediction of the Doctor taking the title of “The Valeyard”. During “The Trial of a Time Lord” it wasn’t that “Valeyard’s” position, but his personal hatred for “The Doctor” that drove him to exceed the parameters set by the Time Lord Council. When the “Master” makes his prediction I do not believe he means the Doctor will become evil as some on this page have also suggested, but that the 12th Doctor will be his own life’s prosecutor as he judges his own mistakes and faults. Which in itself can be devastating. And as to the question of what the Doctor’s birth name really is. May I suggest John Drake and only one number is really needed, “Six”, for your answer. --The Other ONE----
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 12:36:33 +0000

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