Nearly 400,000 people have since called for the company, the - TopicsExpress


Nearly 400,000 people have since called for the company, the producer of Head and Shoulders shampoo brand, to stop the destruction of habitat, home to orangutans and Sumatran tigers, amongst other species. Many famous actors, including Joaquin Phoenix, Gillian Anderson, Amy Smart, Olivia Munn and Kellan Lutz, also voiced their support by signing Greenpeace’s “Tiger Manifesto” which stands to fight against “dirty palm oil” products that lead to Indonesian deforestation and tiger extinction. While Procter & Gamble’s new policy is good, it is not even close to perfect, leaving the company six more years to clear forests. “With global warming and rapid biodiversity loss, we urge P&G to take action against suppliers, such as Musim Mas and KLK that have been identified to be clearing forests and peatlands,” says Greenpeace International ..........As we speak today..In Indonesia and Sumatra, Huge tracts of land are burning...So much so they can be seen from space...This is very old peat jungle floors, which release Billions of tons of carbon...Palm Oil is in everything...But by identifying which companies are importing it from Indonesia we can lend our voice in protest to those companies to help stop it...Right now...86,000 hecters were slashed and burnt. Starting fires that are still burning...This is Jungle..the last of the jungle in that part of the world...Not to mention the wildlife that is being destroyed...We can let our Government know that we do not want Imported Palm Oil from That part of the world!
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 18:10:01 +0000

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