Nebraska June 28 – 30, 2013 Personal Freedom Prayer - TopicsExpress


Nebraska June 28 – 30, 2013 Personal Freedom Prayer Sessions Friday June 28th What is blocking you from receiving everything that the Lord has for you? Sign up here to schedule a personal Freedom Session with DeGraw Ministries. Saturday Training - June 29 Spiritual Gifts Training School In 1st Corinthians, chapter 12, Paul talks about the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is our belief that every believer can, and should operate in all nine of these gifts. It is when each believer is operating in ALL of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that the body of Christ begins to move and advance the kingdom of God. In this class you will learn what the gifts of the Holy Spirit are, why we need them and how they are to be used. You will learn about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, your supernatural prayer language and how these are the foundations of operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Through this class you will step into the supernatural, walking in a brand new realm of your spiritual life. Class teachings What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit/baptism of the Holy Spirit/Speaking in tongues Revelation Gifts/Mind Gifts Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge – Discerning of spirits Gifts of Inspiration/vocal gifts Prophecy, Gift of tongues, Interpretation of tongues Gifts of Power/Working Gifts Faith, Healing, Miracles At completion of school, leaders will lay hands on participants to activate the gifts. People will then be encouraged to begin to use the gifts in small groups as time allows. Sunday Worship Service June 30th 10 A.M. Pastor Ron DeGraw will be delivering the message. Great Company of Women June 30th 4 P.M. -A Place for Women to be loved and encouraged to reach their God-given destiny. Prophetess Kathy DeGraw will be giving a divine, prophetic word from the Lord that will encourage, build up and inspire each person. Kathy operates in a strong gifting of the Holy Spirit and will be ministering to those in attendance. You will not want to miss this event! Living Word Church 120 East 3rd Street Stromsburg, NE 68666
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 21:18:03 +0000

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