Need It! Give It! “Whatever you need from God, - TopicsExpress


Need It! Give It! “Whatever you need from God, give it to Him.” That’s all I remember from the sermon that Sunday morning. There I sat with tears in my eyes. I wanted to believe what my retiring minister-husband was saying, but I knew the following week we were being handed a big reduction in pay. How could I give more when I would have less? I wasn’t too sure, but here is the proposal he made. · If You Need Money—Give Money That didn’t make sense to me then and it still doesn’t—but it’s true. Just ask my sister. A few weeks ago she had a “one-of-those-weeks” experience. Her husband had a $275 medical test their insurance refused to pay. On top of that, her side-by-side refrigerator went on the blink, and she had to spend about a $1,000 for a new one. The very next morning during prayer time for missions, the Lord said to her. “Don’t just pray for the feeding center in Nicaragua, do something about it.” She obeyed the voice of the Lord, shelled out $100, and put it in enveloped marked “Missions.” A few minutes later, while thumbing through the newspaper she saw a refrigerator exactly like her new one at the same store for less money. She called Lowe’s manager and he said, “If it’s been less than 30 days bring in the receipt, and we will refund you the $200.” That afternoon she called to pay her Visa bill and was stunned to learn her bill was $275 less than she thought. “But sir, I owe . . .” “The hospital credited your account with $275 this morning,” the banker said. My sister gave God $100 and that very day received $475. Don’t tell her, “Give and it shall be given unto you” doesn’t make sense. · If You Need Time—Give Time Are you head-over-heels in hurry and worry? Are you rising earlier and staying up later at night to get your work finished? Are you so busy you don’t know where to start? Are you facing a stiff deadline for a college paper? The answer? Right in the middle of the big rush, order a bowl of soup from Panera Bread and carry it to a shut-in. Call a cancer patient and volunteer to drive the person to the doctor’s office. Set your work aside and go with your child on a field trip. I agree it does not make sense, but it works. I’ve tested, and God’s proven it to me. · If You Need Friendship—Give Friendship Even the most popular person with tons of friends, sometimes feels friendless. So, if you woke up this morning with a lonely “nobody-likes-me” feeling, there is a cure for you. Bake or buy a dessert and share it with someone who has had a tough week. Treat someone to a buy-one-get-one-free lunch. Call a discouraged soul and tell them you’ve been missing them at church. Read again Proverbs 18:24, “A man (or woman) that hath friends must shew himself friendly.” A word of wisdom: The philosophy of giving and receiving does not mean you should subtract time, money, or friendship from your family; instead divide what you have and God will multiply the rest. You Don’t Give to Receive—but Give and You Will Receive “. . . God loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7 KJV). Prayer Dear God, You always come through for me and meet my needs. Amen. ~Knee Mail by Rachel Quinley
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 17:37:12 +0000

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