Need a great Keep? I get this question just about every other - TopicsExpress


Need a great Keep? I get this question just about every other day. I dont comment or advise on it. I helped many ungrateful people in the past. I will not comment till I am retired. It will be on one of my books. Free is never good!!! Now need a keep!! The big question is WHY? The purpose of a keep!! It is not a challenge to make a good dog LOOK fit in the eyes of most people. It is another thing to convince a true and honest successful conditioner DOGMAN that a show dog is on top shape. The real top shape can only be proven into a side by side true shape pound by pound dog. It is not difficult to put a dog in shape if you dont need to DIAL an specific weight while a FORFEIT is being hold. I think it was Barney Fife who one said was the most difficult thing in the sport. I dont think is the most difficult yet it is one of the most difficult things indeed. It can only be proven once you aim and hit the target with consistent SUCCESS into top competition for long periods of times. I know a few top guys and for most peoples surprise those are call REAL DOGMEN!! I said real dogmen not just today self called dogmen. How to learn ? ~~OBSERVATION~~ This is a fundamental part! It is not share or spoken. No homies opinion here. ~~Common sense~~~ ( most people have no idea what this is ) Why would you ask the pear dummy next door ? Why would one listen to the dummy who never succeed on doing keeps himself ? Ask for the scoreboard The personal archive numbers. And check them. They love to lie about it. ~~RELENTLESS PRACTICE~~ After work 10pm to 3am Or 4 am till 6am good hours When I work long days It can start at 6 PM and finish 2AM LEARN FROM THOSE WHO CAN SAY I DONE THIS AMOUND OF TIMES INTO THIS AMOUND OF TOP PEOPLE. ( why would they teach you ? ) THE FREE INFORMATION YOU FIND ON FACEBOOK IS BASIC AT BEST. Most people there talk about this they never done. If you do talk with people on the net ask advise to those who have or had success. Talk to the main person not the side kicks. Today there are a lot of side kicks of a few old timers calling themselves as the one that did it. Common sense ask how many times you personally have won with this, and into who ? The top challange to a keep , the conditioner , the dog is The Transoceanic trip Sharing keep information for an active Dogman is like a quarterback at a football game inviting the other team quarterback to the hurdle. Not a good idea. In the past in the USA , as you mention great players were just a few hours away. I can definitely respect a mans keep if the man won shown over 100 times. I been there so I know what it takes. Yet now in days any dummy has a keep of one way or another. I remember me as rookie, got the advise to go from the Bronx to some where in Brooklyn to Pet Obsessions, meet this Italian guy, who sold me a xerox copy of a book call the book of keeps. Nothing said on those keeps i can use today. Also know that most keeps fail to the microwave . The microwave is an airplane for 20 hours. One needed to know what todo before and after, and to be on weight , sparky and strong with in a few days. As for most advise give by the 5, 10, 20, 30 years gurus on the net. My expericce tells me it is worthless, the results After 200 to 400 comments and 1000 likes, you can NOT find a single man willing to put hop a forfeit and met you half way. A good or bad keep can NOT give anyone the courage to be ready to lose. Priorities are different today. What was a feeling of joy to play, win or lose, today the feeling of joy is the acceptance of the pears. I see people by the hundred around the camp fire, holding hands and singing kumbaya. Yet I dont see one taking weights. TODAY WHAT IS NEEDED IS MEN WITH COURAGE!! ( BALLS) Them why would a man that worked hard and paid the price , give you his keep ? The easy road ? I can not blindly follow the crowd and accept their approach ~ Bruce Lee~ I said it the crowd got a camp fire and they are holding hands while singing KUMBAYA Think about it !!! ( TCFs Dont ask ) Frank Lopez, Francisco Madison, Da Crook Dowacky Conwright Sr., Rudy UncleRudy Cantrelle, Lehel Szabó, Tonito Casillas,Rick Hihath, Luis Munguia Herrera, Cmpbt Marín,
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 14:39:57 +0000

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