Need some help! Hey friends, I am writing a response to the - TopicsExpress


Need some help! Hey friends, I am writing a response to the editorial below tomorrow morning. Can you please read and provide some talking points or sentences I can include in my response? Thanks! Trento was right in criticizing Muslims Editor: Im referring to the message given by Tom Trento at the Venice 9/11 Memorial Service about Islam. I sincerely believe that the majority of those hearing the facts Tom presented were hearing them for the very first time and if that was the case, yes, they would have been disturbing. Sadly, our present media outlets are owned by wealthy individuals (not all Americans) who have their own agendas and decide what is broadcast or printed. Which one of our major networks or newspapers has the courage to print the facts about Islam? If Mr. Trento didnt take the time to give you the facts, where or when would you have heard them? It was very appropriate that he spoke about Islam that day since the hijackers were identified as Muslim men. We are told by our elected officials and it is printed in our childrens textbooks that Islam is a peaceful religion and yet when we read about Islam in the news, its because a Muslim or Muslims have killed Americans (Boston Marathon, Fort Hood, 9/11/2001, etc.). I havent heard any peaceful Muslims condemn those murderers. Do you want a new political system in the U.S. cloaked as a religion to replace our Constitution and our Republic? Can you name for me another religion that commands their followers to kill those who choose a different faith to follow? There are 70 verses in the Quran where Allah commands the Muslims to engage in war with non-Muslims, which are interpreted by Muslim scholars as holy jihad. There are 31 verses where Allah commands Muslims to perform jihad against infidels, which is interpreted by Muslim scholars to be holy war. Quran, chapter 9, verse 5: So when the forbidden months are passed, so kill the polytheists (Christians) wherever you find them, and take them (as captives), and besiege them, and lay wait for them with every kind of ambush, so if they repent (convert to Islam) and perform the prayer and give the legal alms, so leave their way free. A Muslim cannot swear to uphold and honor our Constitution because it is written to protect everyones rights. If youre not for us, then you must be against us. Thank God we have some people in our country who have the courage to tell the truth even though they will be criticized for doing it. I am a truth seeker and my heroes are Jesus Christ, George Washington, Edward Snowden and Tom Trento. Kathy Bolam Venice
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 21:29:50 +0000

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