Need to share this wonderful story from Blue one of our rehomed - TopicsExpress


Need to share this wonderful story from Blue one of our rehomed greyhounds. Please read it as when I did, it made all that we do worth doing. These are some of the things that Blue has learned since moving in with us: Not everything is a toy, but things that squeak definitely are! The Radio Times, mum’s socks, mum’s knitting and the cushions on the sofa are definitely NOT toys. Cats live next door, they are very exciting when they growl and puff up their tails but pretty boring when they ignore you. Ditto caged rabbits, they are fun to bark at initially but soon become boring. Wild rabbits are VERY exciting, they suddenly appear and run away. Unfortunately being on the lead means they can’t be chased. Dogs are mostly nice, my new BFFs are Chesapeake retrievers but the little Jack Russell across the road is TOO intense and fusses my nether regions too much. My neighbour’s dog Meg sadly died before I really got a chance to get to know her, though she was very friendly and seemed to be a little in love with me. Noises can be scary but living next door to a man who is building an extension has taught me that drills and diggers are OK. The hoover is OK and a bit necessary, apparently, as is the floor mop. Thunder and lightning are scary but it’s OK if I’m not alone. Walks are FUN, well I start out thinking they will be. Getting dressed for a walk and putting my lead on is VERY exciting but sometimes I’m difficult to persuade up the hill. Mum thinks I have a bad back and we are looking into it. If I’m good on a walk there are lots of treats, some from Mum and some left on the ground by rabbits! Sometimes I decide that I don’t want to go any further which annoys Mum and Dad a bit, but they coax me on with treats and I soon forget what I was scared of. Living in a house is OK now. At first I had to sleep downstairs and I couldn’t work out where Mum and Dad had gone. Then I was taught how to climb up the stairs because I cried when I was alone downstairs. Coming down was another matter until I discovered that there were biscuits on every other step, they arent there anymore but I still go up and downstairs just in case. I’m allowed to sleep upstairs but I have to sleep on my own bed. I don’t have nightmares any more though I am still a bit grumpy if I wake up suddenly and Mum and Dad keep well away from me when I’m asleep. Mum likes to groom me with a special mitt. My fur has grown all lovely and sleek and the bald bits on my thighs and chest are covered in downy hair now. She also likes to keep my toenails trim. Dad is in charge of the ear department, at first I wouldnt let anyone touch my ears but now I like to have them cleaned. I also went to meet the vet but she said I was in fine fettle and didnt need probing or jabbing. We have also started trying to clean my teeth, but I try very hard to lick off the toothpaste BEFORE it gets into my mouth. I had to stay away at kennels while Mum and Dad went to Wales, it was different to Kinnings kennels but the ladies fed and watered me and I was very happy to get home again. Dad was worried all the time he was away and wants to take me with them next time, Mum isnt sure, I think she likes a break from caring for everyone. I get fed twice a day and sometimes treats in between. Sometimes Mum leaves food on the kitchen work-surface for me to discover; so far Ive found some dried lentils (to be honest they werent that nice and seemed to go straight through me), frozen veggie sausages (a bit like ice cream), some pizza that Dad was supposed to be looking after and some cheese. She is never very happy about my discovering these hidden treats and worries about my tummy. There is lots of food to discover in the garden growing on trees, plums and apples, and further up the garden there are these little red berries which are delicious – a bit difficult to get to. Mum and Dad try to stop me eating the fruit because they say I am fruity enough! Mum was worried that I might poison myself so she dug up something that had delicious looking berries on it just in case, she does worry so. We are all learning from each other and I am much happier and less anxious, though I do still worry a lot. Mum and Dad are trying to help me relax and my ears are sometime up, mostly when it’s dinner time. Dad gives me a special drink called milk when they have a cup of tea, it’s very nice but I’m not allowed very much.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 18:45:23 +0000

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