Needles, CA: Eminent domain and the Interstate 40 Connector - TopicsExpress


Needles, CA: Eminent domain and the Interstate 40 Connector Project approved. Property owners in Needles, California spoke to members of the Needles City Council at a public hearing during a Needles City Council Meeting held on Wednesday, November 12th, 2014 regarding their properties and eminent domain for the Interstate 40 Connector Project in Needles, California. Charles Dewald, City Engineer for the City of Needles, addressed members of the Needles City Council and the public what will be done in the project and why us this project needed. According to Charles Dewald, City Engineer for the City of Needles, the project will improve traffic flow from the Colorado River to Interstate 40 and allows more business opportunities into the community that other routes looked into didnt really think of that or address business opportunities. According to information stated in the agenda packet provided by the City Clerk’s Office at the City of Needles, the corridors intersections experience long delays and higher traffic volumes which present a safety hazard for pedestrians, particularly sidewalks are also not compliant with the American with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.). Improvements would include traffic signals, turn lanes, reconstruction or addition of sidewalks and American with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.) compliant access ramps, removal and replacement of existing roadbed and asphalt pavement, striping, improved signage, replacement of existing retaining walls where necessary, and improvements addressing localized flooding. According to Charles Dewald, City Engineer for the City of Needles, the new traffic signals will have the standard red, yellow, and green light colors. According to Charles Dewald, City Engineer for the City of Needles, the alignment for the Interstate 40 Connector Project was conceived of in 2005 and at that time was considered to be the most reasonable and least disruptive to the people in the community, while not bypassing the community. An alternative configuration which involved the costly construction of an overpass from J Street, over the railroad tracks, to the Needles Bridge on North K Street which many property owners along North K Street were unhappy about this project and that project never got build. Charles Dewald, City Engineer for the City of Needles, called this project a major improvement and necessary. Residents and businesses then got their chance to address their concerns about this project and the need for eminent domain, but only 4 property owners came to speak on this agenda item. - Craig Bono, property owner of 1400 Needles Highway, asked if overhead utility lines along Needles Highway going to place underground in the project which Charles Dewald, City Engineer for the City of Needles, said no, except only at the intersection of Needles Highway and North K Street where the overhead utility lines may go underground because they interfere with the new traffic signals. - Ruth and Robert Lopez, property owner of 1704 Needles Highway near N Street (On the northwest corner of the intersection of Needles Highway, West Broadway, and N Street), questioned the City of Needles need for their corner front of their property and questioned the language in the grant of easement left for wiggle room and allowed for more land to be taken as the City of Needles desired, for any purpose with no definite end date. Ruth Lopez testified that the clouded title and encumbrance would diminish the value of their property and leave them with uncertainty, and that the City of Needles’ designs on their property for this project go beyond the immediate project needs. Some members of the Needles City Council were confused over if the northwest corner of the intersection has a sidewalk and handicap ramp or not has a sidewalk and handicap ramp there. Currently, as pictures taken by ZachNews shows, the northwest corner of the intersection has a sidewalk and handicap ramp there as well as on the northeast corner of the intersection next to the car wash. According to Charles Dewald, City Engineer for the City of Needles, the property is needed for the traffic signal light as well as for the electrical box. Ruth and Robert Lopez were the only party who submited a written protests on this project regarding their project. - John Justice, a resident and property owner of 1465 West Broadway near L Street, asked if the project will widen the bridge on West Broadway going over the railroad tracks and if the project will widen the current state of West Broadway which is 4 lanes; 2 eastbound lanes and 2 westbound lanes with a merge before the bridge. According to Charles Dewald, City Engineer for the City of Needles, the bridge on West Broadway going over the railroad tracks will not be widen and the current state of West Broadway will not be widen, but there will be improving the near by intersection (J Street at West Broadway) and adding a pocket for turns into private and commercial properties. John Justice then asked if the project will improve the pedestrian crossing use by children coming from the schools up on L Street; also known as High School Hill. Currently, as pictures taken by ZachNews shows, the pedestrian crosswalk at the intersection of West Broadway and L Street has only a pedestrian crossing sign on the eastbound lane of West Broadway coming off the bridge and no pedestrian crossing sign on the westbound lanes of West Broadway before heading up the bridge. Vehicles have been seen speeding by the pedestrian crosswalk and some vehicles have been also seen crossing into opposite lanes of traffic going around vehicles who are slow down for the pedestrian crosswalk. John Justice asked that the City of Needles to place better signage or signals to protect children crossing the intersection which Charles Dewald, City Engineer for the City of Needles, said, Well take it under consideration. John Justice also asked that the City of Needles place better signage so driver know about the merger and where they are heading if they go over the bridge which Charles Dewald, City Engineer for the City of Needles, said that there will be better signage. - Janice Paget, property owner of 517 North K Street near Needles Highway (On the southeast corner of the intersection of North K Street and Needles Highway) and the wife of current City of Needles Mayor Edward T. Paget, questioned the need for a turn left lane and turn right lane onto southbound North K Street which heads to the K Street Underpass which the underpass has a clearance of 8 feet and 6 inches, and any tall vehicles atempt to go under the underpass well get stuck under the railroad track bridge which has happened many times in the past creating a traffic mess for commuters who can use the underpass. Janice Paget explained that tall vehicles and trucks will not use that street and will have to turn onto other neighborhood streets to get back to the main road; West Broadway to go over the bridge because their vehicles will not fit under the underpass. But again with confusion, some members of the Needles City Council things that vehicles pulling on trailers boats do use the K Street Underpass. Also, Charles Dewald, City Engineer for the City of Needles, said that he never hear of this complaint, but only of saving a tree on that property. During the discussion on the project, members of the Needles City Council viewed the map of the project which was not in the agenda item packet. ZachNews has asked for a copy of the map presented to members of the Needles City Council and the public during the Needles City County Meeting and is awaiting our copy. According to Charles Dewald, City Engineer for the City of Needles, the Interstate 40 Connector Project may begin as earliest as October 2015 unless delayed and after the construction plans and specifications plans are at 100 percent complete and approved by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The project is to be funded by money put up by the City of Needles along with federal matching funds and there is also an agreement with the County of San Bernardino for shared funding for the cost of engineering services. A question raised by Vice Mayor Terry Campbell asked if the project dosent proceed, will the City of Needles have to pay back any money. According to Charles Dewald, City Engineer for the City of Needles, the City of Needles would have to reimburse the county and repay grant money to the State of California that was previously obtained and has been husbanded for the project. After all the discussions and comments from the property owners, members of the Needles City Council voted on the agenda item. According to the City Clerk’s Office at the City of Needles, motions and votes on both of these agenda items were the following: ** For Agenda Item #1: Regarding Eminent Domain and the Interstate 40 Connector Project: ** - Motion to adopt the findings A) The public interest and necessity require the proposed project B) The project is planned or located in a manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury C) The real property to be acquired is necessary for the project and D) The offer of just compensation has been made to the owner. Motion passed 5-0-1 (5 Yes, 0 No, and 1 Absent; City of Needles Mayor Edward T. Paget.). - Motion to adopt Resolution Numbers 2014-58 through and including 2014-71. Motion passed 5-0-1 (5 Yes, 0 No, and 1 Absent; City of Needles Mayor Edward T. Paget.). **** City of Needles Mayor Edward T. Paget abstained from voting and excused himself during the discussion on the project because a potential conflict of interest. **** ** You can read the agenda item regarding eminent domain and the Interstate 40 Connector Project at the following City of Needles website address: ** cityofneedles/2014%20website%20file%20posting/1%20-%20City%20Council%20-%20NPUA%20-%20SARDA/11%20-%20November%202014/cc_111214-1.pdf ** You can watch the videos on this agenda item regarding eminent domain and the Interstate 40 Connector Project at the following ZachNews on YouTube website addresses: ** - Needles City Council: 11-12-2014: Item 1: youtube/watch?v=IEN4nIwv4Ik&list=UU8kHHmIKSCaecTm5-j_i6oQ - Needles City Council: 11-12-2014: Item 1: Part 2: youtube/watch?v=GPZbh0jCO90&list=UU8kHHmIKSCaecTm5-j_i6oQ - Needles City Council: 11-12-2014: Item 1: Part 3: youtube/watch?v=w_glMYNDwnY&list=UU8kHHmIKSCaecTm5-j_i6oQ - Needles City Council: 11-12-2014: Item 1: Part 4: youtube/watch?v=UFO5XelxWuU&list=UU8kHHmIKSCaecTm5-j_i6oQ For more information regarding the Needles City Council Meetings, please contact Dale Jones in the City Clerk’s Office at the City of Needles at: 1 (760) 326 -2113 Ext. 345.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 22:55:00 +0000

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