Negotiations with Talibans is a mistake A few days ago I was - TopicsExpress


Negotiations with Talibans is a mistake A few days ago I was very upset to know that my Alma Mater that is Institute of Business Administration , Karachi became targeted of what one may call as a victim of the radicalization of the country. Self proclaimed religious vigilantes made sure that they are heard at the point of guns and threats as it looks like they have weakened their case of persuasion with the ongoing violence their kind has unleashed on this country. Force is the only option they have up their sleeves. I am sure their days of hegemony are counted. As I write this piece during the festive Eid Holidays . I find out to my dismay that yet another legislator of KPK has become a victim of suicide bombing. Now I am sure that some may blame RAW and CIA for it but that is what was blamed when Lt. Gen Niazi was martyred a few days ago. Only that the conspiracy theories bit the dust a few days later when TTP came out not only with the attack footage but claiming the responsibility as well. Now the question which is really itching my mind is that why such an important General was coming back on his own and that too from a restive area. I would not even dwell further as lets leave it for another day. Then again no day pass by when Pakistan Army’s bloggers come out with videos where they are posting of our young men who have been martyred in this war. Sometimes when I hear that some of our leaders who would like to enter truce with these terrorists makes me feel sick and force me to ask only one question that by entering into peace; we are just trying to maybe save a few more lives whilst we are looking down upon the sacrifice of the thousands of our soldiers who gave their lives defending this country from a domestic enemy. Lets not forget the fifty thousand plus civilians who have been victim to the same as well. What confuses me more that Imran Khan whose party currently rules KPK talks about peace with TTP through negotiations and yet looks hapless on the murder of yet hundreds of innocent civilians including from various sects and religions being massacred in the provincial capital since they took over the rule from ANP which has suffered a lot at the hands of TTP in KPK especially. He still insists on negotiations when his Member parliaments get killed. His allies like Jamaat e Islami which in my view is the political face of Talibans like Amal Party is of Hezbollah act more naïve and try to prove that TTP is innocent of all crimes and PTI tagging along insist on pursuing these negotiations. I sometimes wonder if their own kin gets killed by these terrorists . Would that still be a position these radicalized politicians pursue? I doubt. They would stand first in line to call for an all out war. I just now pray that some light appears on the subject which would help these adjudge their position more . As it is this indecisiveness of such politicians where our Army is not getting a clear mandate for going for an all out operation. And as my sources tell me due to this elongated war where negotiations are being pursued. I fear that the segment within our armed forces who were against this TTP operation would only become stronger. Now don’t tell me its not the case. As many hawkish former generals are very vocal like Gen Hamid Gul etc having a lot of clout on some within our armed forces and the two attack on our air force bases are a clear example when they happened in Karachi and Kamra were also from within the ranks unfortunately. Lets not forget the attack on Gen Musharraf which many said was an inside job and yes how can we forget Brig. Ali and GHQ attack. The list goes on. This indecisiveness of our politicians is just nurturing another demon within our armed forces. Which lets not forget is not just a conventional army but proudly a Nuclear army as well. Just a day or two ago I heard to my astonishment that Maulana Fazl ur Rehman on television stated that these TTP terrorists are fighting for independence. Yet, I don’t hear the word traitor for these anywhere. Where our media pundits are quiet savvy to accuse BLA and MQM as traitors at the first outset of an opportunity. Yet they keep shut on TTP who have been video taped executing our soldiers, torturing them, butchering them and infact mutilating them. I can only imagine that either it is out of hypocrisy they adopt a different position towards TTP or out of cowardice . Either ways our young men continue to get killed for what is turning out to be a purposeless struggle for them due to the current political situation. Sometimes, I wonder why don’t they just do a ceasefire and let their body count stop from increasing till our confused politicians clear their heads and give them a clear policy . I don’t think that one of the finest army of the world lack any skill to follow the order when it comes and if it comes to any possible outcome. Which I just hope is in the interest of the nation. So I just wonder that after the murder of PTI’s Law Minister today and that too in D.I. Khan . Mr. Imran Khan would still insist on letting TTP open their offices across Pakistan . I don’t know about others but I don’t know how would I control my emotions when I see such an office of the murderers of my fellow Pakistanis. Criticizing is the easiest part . Some would say. If I have the choice. I would increase the attack on Taliban and that’s it. And not only in KPK; as we all very well know that they are spread out across including Karachi . Do a sincere operation against them. Kill them or pursue them. And then go in with the negotiations. Now if we go in listening to what Hakim ullah Mehsud said a few days ago that no one should expect a ceasefire and still let the negotiations pursue. We are entering into it with a weaker position and we loose as a nation either ways. Because if its successful; it means a more radicalized Pakistan and also a great psychological victory for TTP over the mightiest armies of the world. Than in that case I would insist that the same approach should be with all including BLA who I feel are more deprived than anyone else. Only since they don’t have any contacts in the establishment doesn’t mean that they are harked with a different stick. I feel that there should be one standard for all in this country. Anyways, I am sure that like everything else Taliban apologists have been trying to sell to the innocent people of the country. I doubt any fruitful negotiations would or should start on the graves of our martyrs and dipped in the stream of blood of them. We all end up wasting precious time. Meaning a more disheveled nation, a more confused army men due to our politicians though Gen Kiyani kept them together all these years and did a great job at it. I think we Pakistanis deserve more. Whilst we deserve to get rid this nation of confused politicians. We also deserve to get rid our nation of hypocrite politicians as well. Like I am saying that the time is running out. Either we take control of the situation and attack or end up playing the defence and suffer of what I fear might be a radicalized Pakistan contrary to the vision of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and infact putting our country in a more difficult position globally. Hoping we move on with the right thing soon. Pakistan Zindabad!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 05:31:21 +0000

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