Neighborhood Pride!! The first picture is the alley behind my - TopicsExpress


Neighborhood Pride!! The first picture is the alley behind my house, where I take care of it. The second picture is two doors down, where no one does anything about it! The third is the opposite end of the alley, where someone takes care of it. Both ends of the alley looks pretty good, if you do not mind me saying so, myself! The middle part looks pretty darn crappy!!!! Well my son and I were going to clean it up and show some neighborhood pride in our area!!! Operative word being were. We started to clean it up and the neighbor two doors down comes out and has a cow!! She asked us what we were doing! I told her cleaning up the alley. She replies are you bored? To which I reply yes She then asks is that your property? To which I reply No, it is the cities And she replies Well what do you think the city would say? Me: Not a thing, they do not take care of it. And further more it does not cost them anything! And unlike your bitterness and ugliness, I can do something about this alley, unlike your bitterness and ugliness, to which I can do nothing about!! She gets all mad and says I am going to call the city! And storms off! So my son and I decided to leave it, for the most part, except a small walk way in the middle! Lady (I use that term lightly) WHERE IS YOUR CIVIC PRIDE? YOUR PRIDE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD?? YOU AND PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE THE PROBLEM WITH OUR SOCIETY TODAY!!! So lady (and again I use that term lightly) Following your display and thinking today, are you telling me, that if you saw a $100.00 bill on the street, that you would leave it there? (highly unlikely that she would leave it) That it is not your responsibility, it is the street cleaners responsibility???? Grow up lady and take PRIDE in your neighborhood!! p.s I cleaned up this alley last summer and no one had issues with it, including her! I even mowed it from one end to the other every week!!! BTW a little info on her: she is in her mid 30s to early 40s in age! And the majority of the neighbors in this area do not have anything good to say about her or her husband!! When we moved in here my wife and I cleaned up the alley behind us (the part you see in the first picture) other wise it would be overgrown like the part you see in the second picture! Anyone care to leave any feedback/opinions on this issue, feel free to do so. Thanks
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 22:59:41 +0000

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