Neighbors sure arent very neighborly anymore, in fact they can be - TopicsExpress


Neighbors sure arent very neighborly anymore, in fact they can be downright hateful. Some of you may remember several months ago when my wife had just gone through a craniotomy, having her skull cut open, and a tumor removed. and how one of the neighbors called the cops on me because in giving priority to caring for my wife, my lawn didnt get mowed as often as they wanted it to and they told the cops that the place was completely overgrown and there were piles of garbage everywhere. The cop told me what all was in the complaint and he looked around and saw that none of it was true, except that our yard was not as neately manicured as theirs. He asked if I planned on getting the yard mowed soon, I said of course, and he left. Fast forward to a few weeks ago. I notice a wet spot by the road in my driveway. initially I dismiss it as drainage from the cars air conditioner. Due to taking a couple days to self evaluate the situation, followed by a lie from the water company, followed by a billing error on the part of the insurance company, and the plumbers schedule being full, it took a couple of weeks before the leak in the line from the water meter to my house was found and fixed at the beginning of the month. During this tiime the wet spot had grown into a puddle, but was contained to my driveway. Fast forward again to today. im outside working and a pickup with county plates pulls up and parks. A gentleman gets out and identifies himself as being with the health department. He said he was responding to a report of raw sewage all over the yard, driveway, and running into the neighbors yard. I rolled my eyes and then gazed from one side of my yard, to the other, and to the driveway while audibly sniffing, then shrugged my shoulders. not at him, but at the lies that the neighbors are spewing. You already got your sewage system fixed? He asked. No sir, nothing is wrong with my sewage system, the service water line to the house was leaking, and its been fixed. I showed him the repair receipt, and the high water bill. Sorry to bother you sir, have a nice day he said as he got in his truck and drove off. Im just shaking my head. Seriously? Weve been quiet neighbors. No loud cars, loud music, loud voices like some of the other neighbors. Why these lies? Why are they being messy? Come on now. A yard and driveway full of raw sewage? Their my neighbors. If there was a sewage leak, they would smell it. I just dont understand. I guess since they called the city out and that didnt work, and now theyve called the county out and that didnt work, I guess next they will report us to the state about something. This soapbox rant is the end of it for me though. Our God is faithful to protect and provide. Im not going to let these lies and attacks distract me or detour me from what the Lord has for me. I will pray for my neighbors, and be the example that He has for me to be, if the neighbors should ever choose to stop avoiding me like they do, coming out their front door and driving by my house when I am inside, but when I am outside, they sneak out their back door, and drive the other way out of the neighborhood. and NO it is NOT a coincidence. It has like that ever since after the city didnt do anything to me about the yard. wwithout fail. i chuckle and shake my head at first, then just pray for them, and an open door.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 20:31:03 +0000

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