Neither BASE nor Bungee is illegal from the Perrine Bridge. Lets - TopicsExpress


Neither BASE nor Bungee is illegal from the Perrine Bridge. Lets get that straight. If someone drilled into the bridge - whether bungee jumpers, BASEers or hairstylists - then that was the crime and those responsible should be prosecuted. Shall we also bar pedestrians from the bridge since they are the type of scoundrels who committed this crime? Idaho State Police, Twin Falls City Police and sheriffs from two counties discriminate blatantly by allowing one activity and not the other then ignorantly point at the No Attachments to Bridge (Idaho Code 49-701) sign as if this is the supporting law. How about looking up the finely-printed code? Ill make it easy for you. Idaho Code 49-701 states that pedestrians must obey street signs. There is no law justifying this sign and there was never public input for this so-called policy. BASE and Bungee pose identical distraction to the motoring public but cops parked mid-bridge with their lights blaring while investigating these non-crimes create far greater traffic hazard and liability. Bungee promises the same boost to the local economy and has never slowed traffic or impeded pedestrians. In my 23 years jumping, ITD personnel, though invited many times, have never come out to the bridge to observe this. Mr. Devin Rigby and the Idaho Transportation Department should strive to manage this property in the interest of the public by discussing every possible way to overcome these obstacles. Eric Lyman, Stanley, Idaho.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 07:52:39 +0000

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