Neither George nor Martha had any fear of work. As George rode - TopicsExpress


Neither George nor Martha had any fear of work. As George rode about the farms he would often dismount to help personally with some particularly tricky or difficult task. Once he spent two days working with one of his blacksmiths on a new type of plow he was interested in. Another time when a slave brought news that a flooding stream was threatening to destroy a mill George plunged into the water with a group of slaves, shoveling gravel to ease the current and save the mill. In spite of her great wealth, Martha was also known for her willingness to plunge into housework wherever it was needed. She was considered very expert at all the domestic skills of the day and could personally train her servants and slaves on exactly how each task should be done. Activities for the children were also provided. There is an order from George to his agent in England for 10 shillings worth of toys for Jacky and a fashionably dressed baby and other toys for Patsy. At this point George and Martha were probably the most wealthy couple in Virginia. They had both suffered painful losses in life and endured hardships. On the other hand, they had also enjoyed great good fortune and they were both wise enough to recognize it. Shortly after moving into Mount Vernon Martha wrote a friend that her new home was filled with mirth and gaiety. George wrote to one of his friends that he now found himself: ...with an agreeable partner for life, and I hope to find more happiness in retirement than I ever experienced in the wide and bustling world.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 11:17:18 +0000

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